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Nazwa exp hp summon convince Loot
Crystal Wolf Crystal Wolf.gif 275 750 - - Gold Coin, 0-2 Meat, Wolf Paw, Shiver Arrow, Crystalline Armor, Shiny Stone, Hailstorm Rod.
Dog Dog.gif 0 20 220 220
Fox Fox.gif 15 22 - - Meat,Fox Paw.
Ghost Wolf Ghost Wolf.gif 65 160 -- -- 3-20 Gp
Gloom Wolf Gloom Wolf.gif 70 200 -- -- 1-15 Gp,Ham,Meat,1 Wolf Tooth Chain,Gloom Wolf Fur,1 Wolf Paw.
Gnarlhound Gnarlhound.gif 60 198 465 465 0-3 Meat, 0-3 Worm, Shaggy Tail
Husky Husky.gif 0 140 420 420 Brak
Modified Gnarlhound (potwór) Modified Gnarlhound.gif 0 1500 -- -- Brak.
Starving Wolf Starving Wolf.gif 65 85 -- -- Dirty Fur, Meat, Wolf Paw
Thornfire Wolf Thornfire Wolf.gif 200 600 - - 0-53 gp, Meat, Wolf Paw, Fiery Heart, Small Diamond, Wand of Inferno (rzadko) .
War Wolf War Wolf.gif 55 140 -- 420 0-4 Meat, 0-2 Ham, Warwolf Fur, Wolf Paw (rzadko), Wolf Trophy (bardzo rzadko)
Winter Wolf Winter Wolf.gif 20 30 260 260 0-2 Meat, Winter Wolf Fur
Wolf Wolf.gif 18 25 255 255 0-2 Meat, 0-2 Worm, Wolf Paw (rzadko)

Bossowie Psowatych

Nazwa exp hp summon convince Loot
Fleabringer Fleabringer.gif ? 265 -- -- 0-3 Meat, 0-3 Worm, Shaggy Tail
The Big Bad One The Big Bad One.gif 170 300 -- -- 0-4 Meat, 0-2 Ham, 0-2 Wolf Paw, Wolf Trophy

Boss Areny

Nazwa exp hp summon convince Loot
Frostfur Frostfur.gif 35 65 -- -- Brak, ponieważ po śmierci zmienia się w kupkę popiołu.

Potwory Questowe

Nazwa exp hp summon convince Loot
Hot Dog Hot Dog.gif 190 505 -- -- 0-69 gp
Wild Dog Wild Dog.gif 0 20 -- -- Brak.