Skocz do: Nawigacja, szukaj

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Moja postać

Nick: Celine Claudette Dion
Poziom: 61 (100%)
Profesja: Rycerz
Świat: Secura
Mlvl: 5 mlvl (65%)
Miasto: Kazordoon
Fist Fighting: 26
Sword Fighting: 67 (84%)
Club Fighting: 11
Axe Fighting: 10
Distance Fighting: 10
Shielding: 62 (3%)
Fishing: 10
Dom: Brak
Dragon Necklace.gif
Vampire Shield.gif
Strange Helmet.gif
Crown Armor.gif
Knight Legs.gif
Boots of Haste.gif
Green Backpack.gif
Mystic Blade.gif
Engraved Wedding Ring.gif

Best Hit: Relic Sword.gif 260 w Novice of the Cult
Best Solo: Quara Predator.gif
Quara Predator
Best Team: Serpent Spawn.gif
Serpent Spawn

  • Informacje z dnia 15.05.2011 15:31.