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Znany również jako:
Outfit Summoner Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Summoner Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Summoner Male Addon 3.gif
Addon 1 Addon 2 Oba Addony
Outfit Summoner Female Addon 1.gif Outfit Summoner Female Addon 2.gif Outfit Summoner Female Addon 3.gif
Lokacja: Mężczyźni: Sandra (Edron) i Myra (Port Hope)
Kobiety: Angelina (Dark Cathedral) i Zoltan (Edron)
Wymagany poziom: -
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: Nietoperze, Hero, Małpy, Elf Arcanisty, Giant Spidery, Osy lub Niedźwiedzie, Lizardy, Dragon Lordy i Wampiry, albo Monki, Necropharus i Ferumbras



Szanowny użytkowniku, niestety nie możesz obejrzeć wiadomości zawartych na tej stronie, ponieważ Twoja przeglądarka internetowa zawiera nieaktualną wersję wtyczki Java. Jeśli chcesz korzystać z naszych interaktywnych map, unikalnych zdjęć oraz wiadomości tibijskich zalecamy ściągnąć ową wtyczkę np. stąd - JavaUpdate


Dodatek 1: Różdżka

Outfit Summoner Female Addon 1.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Idziemy do Katedry Ciemności, gdzie musimy odnaleźć Angelinę (jest uwięziona na najniższym poziomie, patrz mapa):


Możliwe, że będzie potrzebny klucz 5050, który można znaleźć w skrzynce w jednym z pomieszczeń w pobliżu celi. Gdy już dojdziesz na miejsce, porozmawiaj z Angeliną:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Angelina: The gods must be praised that I am finally saved. I do not have many worldly possessions, but please accept a smallreward, do you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Angelina: I will tell you a small secret now. My friend Lynda in Thais can create a blessed wand. Greet her from me, maybe shewill aid you.
  • Gracz: bye
  • Angelina: May the gods bless you.

Teraz idź i porozmawiaj z Lyndą w kościele w Thais:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: Angelina
  • Lynda: Angelina had been imprisoned? My, these are horrible news, but I am so glad to hear that she is safe now. ...
  • Lynda: I will happily carry out her wish and reward you, but I fear I need some important ingredients for my blessing spell first....
  • Lynda: Will you gather them for me?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Thank you, I promise that your efforts won't be in vain! Listen closely now: ...
  • Lynda: First, I need a sample of each druid rod and sorcerer wand there is in Tibia. Please bring them all at once so that their energy will be balanced. ...
  • Lynda: Secondly, I need 10 ounces of magic sulphur. It can absorb the elemental energy of all the wands and rods and bind it tosomething else. ...
  • Lynda: Next, I will need a soul stone. These can be used as a vessel for energy, evil as well as good. They are rarely used nowaday though. ...
  • Lynda: Lastly, I need a lot of holy energy. I can extract it from ankhs, but only a small amount each time. I will need about 20 ankhs. ...
  • Lynda: Did you understand everything I told you and will help me with my blessing?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Alright then. Come back to with a sample of all five wands and five rods, please.

Do skonstruowania magicznej różdżki, mysimy przynieść Lyndzie wiele magicznych składników. Dzięki właściwościom magicznej siarki, wyciągnie ona energię z różdżek i krzyży i zamknie ją w kamieniu duszy, który umieści na szczycie naszej różdżki. Gdy już masz wszystko, co trzeba, pomów z nią znów:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: wands
  • Lynda: Did you bring a sample of each wand and each rod with you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Thank you, that must have been a lot to carry. Now, please bring me 10 ounces of magic sulphur.
  • Gracz: magic sulphur
  • Lynda: Did you obtain 10 ounces of magic sulphur?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: Very good. I will immediately start to prepare the ritual and extract the elemental energy from the wands and rods. Please bring me the Necromancer's soul stone now.
  • Gracz: soul stone
  • Lynda: Were you actually able to retrieve the Necromancer's soul stone?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: You have found a rarity there, Gracz. This will become the tip of your blessed wand. Please bring me 20 ankhs now to complete the ritual.
  • Gracz: ankhs
  • Lynda: Am I sensing enough holy energy from ankhs here?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Lynda: The ingredients for the ritual are complete! I will start to prepare your blessed wand, but I have to medidate first. Please come back later to hear how the ritual went.

Teraz daj Lyndzie 3 godziny czasu na medytacje, po czym wróć:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Lynda: Welcome in the name of the gods, pilgrim Gracz!
  • Gracz: ritual
  • Lynda: I'm glad to tell you that I have finished the ritual, Gracz. Here is your new wand. I hope you carry it proudly foreveryone to see.

Dodatek 2: Kapelusz Ferumbrasa

Outfit Summoner Female Addon 2.gif

Potrzebne przedmioty


Gdy już masz ten cenny przedmiot, udaj się do Zoltana w akademii na Edron:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Zoltan: Welcome Gracz, student of the arcane arts.
  • Gracz: proof
  • Zoltan: ... I cannot believe my eyes. You retrieved this hat from Ferumbras' remains? That is incredible. If you give it to me, I will grant you the right to wear this hat as addon. What do you say?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Zoltan: I bow to you, Gracz, and hereby grant you the right to wear Ferumbras' hat as accessory. Congratulations!