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{{Spoiler| name=The Travelling Trader Quest}}
Pełen spoiler znajdziesz na oficjalnej Supported Fansite - Klikając w odnośnik poniżej:
'''UWAGA!!! Nigdy nie klikaj w odnośniki które prowadzą do innych stron niż , lub pozostałych Supported Fansite's.'''
== Potrzebne rzeczy ==
*[[Grafika:Deer_Trophy.gif]] [[Deer Trophy]]
*[[Grafika:Iron_Ore.gif]] 3 [[Iron Ore]]
*[[Grafika:Goldfish_Bowl.gif]] [[Goldfish Bowl]]
*[[Grafika:Rope.gif]] [[Rope|Lina]]
*[[Grafika:Platinum_Coin.gif]] 1350 [[Gold Coin|gp]] potrzebne do misji
*[[Grafika:Gold_Coin.gif]]trochę złota na podróże
W związku z licznymi atakami hakerów, którzy w opisach questów umieszczają podejrzane linki zdecydowaliśmy się zdjąć nasze spoilery, a umieścić na jakiś czas linki do zaufanej strony jaką jest Za wszelkie wynikające z tego utrudnienia przepraszamy. Niestety jest to niezależne od nas.
===='''Misja 1 - Poniedziałek'''====
''Idziemy do [[Rashid]]a, który znajduje się w tawernie w [[Svargrond]]''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'':Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well, you could attempt the mission to become a recognised trader, but it requires a lot of travelling. Are you willing to try?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Very good! I need talented people who are able to handle my wares with care, find good offers and the like, so I'm going to test you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': First, I'd like to see if you can dig up rare wares. Something like a ... mastermind shield! ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Haha, just kidding, fooled you there, didn't I? Always control your nerves, that's quite important during bargaining. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Okay, all I want from you is one of these rare deer trophies. I have a customer here in Svargrond who ordered one, so I'd like you to deliver it to me while I'm in Svargrond....
*''[[Rashid]]'': Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Fine. Then get a hold of that deer trophy and bring it to me while I'm in Svargrond. Just ask me about your mission.
''[[Rashid]] chce abyś mu przyniósł [[Deer Trophy]]. Gdy już zdobędziesz wróć do niego (tylko w poniedziałki) i:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Have you managed to obtain a rare deer trophy for my customer?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well done! I'll take that from you. <snags it> Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''To tyle jeśli chodzi o poniedziałek.''
===='''Misja 2 - Wtorek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest w tawernie [[Liberty Bay]]:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Alright, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than finding rare items. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': You also need to be able to transport heavy wares, weaklings won't get far here. I have ordered a special package from Edron. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Pick it up from Willard and bring it back to me while I'm in Liberty Bay. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Fine. Then off you go, just ask Willard about the 'package for Rashid'.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
'' Idź do [[Willard]]a, [[Edron]]:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Greetings and Banor be with you, ''Gracz''!
*''Gracz'': '''package for rashid'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Oooh, damn, I completely forgot about that. I was supposed to pick it up from the Outlaw Camp. ...
*''[[Willard]]'':  I can't leave my shop here right now, please go and talk to Snake Eye about that package... I promise he won't make any trouble. ...
*''[[Willard]]'':  Don't tell Rashid! I really don't want him to know that I forgot his order. Okay?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Thank you, I appreciate it. Don't forget to mention the package to Snake.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Farewell.
'' [[Willard]] zostawił [[Heavy Package|paczkę]] dla [[Rashid]]a w barze na [[Outlaw Camp]] więc udaj się do [[Snake Eye]].
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': Hi ''Gracz''. Come in and have a drink.
*''Gracz'': '''package for rashid'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': So you're the delivery boy? Go ahead, but I warn you, it's quite heavy. You can take it from the box over there.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': Bye.
''Bierzemy paczkę ze skrzynki obok i wracamy do [[Rashid]]a ([[Heavy Package|paczka ta]] wazy 600oz więc trzeba się na to przygotować).''
''[[Rashid]], [[Liberty Bay]] 
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Did you bring me the package?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Great. Just place it over there - yes, thanks, that's it. Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
===='''Misja 3 - Środa'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest w tawernie [[Port Hope]]''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than carrying heavy packages. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': You also need to be fast and deliver wares in time. I have ordered a very special cheese wheel made from Darashian milk. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Unfortunately, the high temperature in the desert makes it rot really fast, so it must not stay in the sun for too long. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': I'm also afraid that you might not be able to use ships because of the smell of the cheese. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Please get the cheese from Miraia and bring it to me while I'm in Port Hope. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Okay, then please find Miraia in Darashia and ask her about the 'scarab cheese'.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Idź do [[Miraia]], [[Darashia]]''
''Idziemy do NPC [[Miraia]] i mówimy do niej:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Daraman's blessings, ''Gracz''. Welcome to the Enlightened Oasis.
*''Gracz'': '''scarab cheese'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Let me cover my nose before I get this for you... Would you REALLY like to buy scarab cheese for 100 gold?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Here it is.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Come back soon.
''Teraz musisz dostarczyć ser [[Rashid|Rashidowi]] (nie możesz podróżować statkiem musisz iść pieszo do [[Port Hope]]).
W tym momencie najlepiej używać czaru [[Haste]], bądź też [[Strong Haste]], jeżeli mamy niskopoziomową postać, ponieważ ser psuje sie po 30 minutach. Wydaje się dużo, ale słaba postać może mieć problem z przedarciem się przez dżunglę w tym czasie. Postacie słabsze niż 40 lvl powinny poprosić też kogoś silniejszego o pomoc, ponieważ na naszej drodze będzie sporo [[Tarantula|tarantul]], [[Elephant|słoni]] i [[Lizard Sentinel|jaszczuroludzi]] oraz wiele mniej szkodliwych potworków, które blokują drogę. Poza tym nie można wysyłać tego sera paczką.
Idąc do Port Hope uważaj na Hydry, które można spotkać po drodze.
''[[Rashid]], [[Port Hope]]''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Have you brought the cheese?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Mmmhh, the lovely odeur of scarab cheese! I really can't understand why most people can't stand it. Thanks, well done!
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 4 - Czwartek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Arito]] (pierwsze piętro w budynku poczty w [[Ankrahmun]]).''
''[[Rashid]], [[Ankrahmun]]''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than bringing stinky cheese. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I wonder if you are able to deliver goods so fragile they almost break when looked at. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I have ordered a special elven vase from Briasol in Ab'Dendriel. Get it from him and don't even touch it, just bring it to me while I'm in Ankrahmun. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Okay, then please find Briasol in Ab'Dendriel and ask for a 'fine vase'.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Musimy udać się do [[Ab'Dendriel]] i u [[NPC]] [[Briasol]] kupić [[Fine Vase]].
[[Briasol]], [[Ab'Dendriel]]
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Ashari ''Gracz''.
*''Gracz:'' '''Fine vase'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Rashid sent you, I suppose. Before I sell you that vase, one word of advice. ...
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Make room in your backpack so that I can place the vase carefully inside it. If it falls to the floor, it will most likely shatter or break if you try to pick it up again. ...
*''[[Briasol]]:'' This vase it not meant to be touched by human hands, so just keep your hands off it. Are you ready to buy that vase for 1000 gold?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Here you are.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Asha Thrazi.
''Ze świeżo zakupioną [[Fine Vase|wazą]] udajemy się z powrotem do [[Rashid|Rashida]].''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought the vase?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I'm surprised that you managed to bring this vase without a single crack. That was what I needed to know, thank you.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 5 - Piątek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Miraia]] w [[Darashia|Darashii]].
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Fine! There's one more skill that I need to test and which is cruicial for a successful trader. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Of course you must be able to haggle, else you won't survive long in this business. To make things as hard as possible for you, I have the perfect trade partner for you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Dwarves are said to be the most stubborn of all traders. Travel to Kazordoon and try to get the smith Uzgod to sell a crimson sword to you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Of course, it has to be cheap. Don't come back with anything more expensive than 400 gold. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' And the quality must not suffer, of course! Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Okay, I'm curious how you will do with Uzgod. Good luck!
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Musimy udać się do [[Kazordoon]] i u [[NPC]] [[Uzgod]] kupić [[Crimson Sword]].
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Hiho Player! Wanna weapon, eh?
*''Gracz:'' '''crimson sword'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Me don't sell crimson sword.
*''Gracz:'' '''forge'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: You telling me to forge one?! Especially for you? You making fun of me?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Well. Thinking about it, me a smith, so why not. 1000 gold for your personal crimson sword. Ok?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Too expensive?! You think me work is cheap? Well, if you want cheap, I can make cheap. Hrmpf. I make cheap sword for 300 gold. Ok?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: Cheap but good quality? Impossible. Unless... you bring material. Three iron ores, 250 gold. Okay?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: Ah, that's how me like me customers. Ok, me do this... <pling pling> ... another fine swing of the hammer here and there... <ploing>... here you have it!
''Jesli zrobimy wszystko dobrze to [[NPC]] [[Uzgod]] zabierze nam 250 [[Gold Coin|gp]] i 3 [[Iron Ore]] a w zamian da [[Crimson Sword|Crimson Sworda]]. Teraz wracamy do [[Rashid|Rashida]].
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought a cheap but good crimson sword?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ha! You are clever indeed, well done! I'll take this from you. Come see me tomorrow, I think we two might get into business after all.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
===='''Misja 6 - Sobota'''====
''Udajemy się do [[NPC]] [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Mirabell]] w [[Edron]]
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' My friend, it seems you have already learnt a lot about the art of trading. I think you are more than worthy to become a recognised trader. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' There is just one little favour that I would ask from you... something personal, actually, forgive my boldness. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I have always dreamed to have a small pet, one that I could take with me and which wouldn't cause problems. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Could you - just maybe - bring me a small [[Goldfish Bowl|goldfish in a bowl]]? I know that you would be able to get one, wouldn't you?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Thanks so much! I'll be waiting eagerly for your return then.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Gdy udało nam sie zdobyć [[Goldfish Bowl]] wracamy do [[NPC]] [[Rashid]]
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought me a gold fish??
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Thank you!! Ah, this makes my day! I'll take the rest of the day off to get to know this little guy. Come see me tomorrow, if you like.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 7 - Niedziela'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest przy depozycie na 1+ w [[Carlin]]:''
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, right. <ahem> I hereby declare you - one of my recognised traders! Feel free to offer me your wares!
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Od tego momentu można sprzedawać [[item|itemy]] u [[NPC]] [[Rashid]].

Wersja z 01:11, 25 sty 2009

Pełen spoiler znajdziesz na oficjalnej Supported Fansite - Klikając w odnośnik poniżej: UWAGA!!! Nigdy nie klikaj w odnośniki które prowadzą do innych stron niż , lub pozostałych Supported Fansite's.

W związku z licznymi atakami hakerów, którzy w opisach questów umieszczają podejrzane linki zdecydowaliśmy się zdjąć nasze spoilery, a umieścić na jakiś czas linki do zaufanej strony jaką jest Za wszelkie wynikające z tego utrudnienia przepraszamy. Niestety jest to niezależne od nas.