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'''Administracja Tibia Wiki'''
===Misja 1: A New Land===
Najpierw udajemy się do [[Farmine]]. Można tam dopłynąć parostatkiem z [[Kazordoon]] i z [[Cormaya|Cormayi]].
Idziemy na północ i rozmawiamy z [[Ongulf]]em. Może on nam opowiedzieć historię, długą, lub wersję skróconą.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Well, it's a long story but you really should listen to understand what is going on here. You can also hear a short version of the story, but then don't blame me if you mess something up due to your undwarfish impatience. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: So what would you like to hear, the long story or the short version?
*''Gracz'': '''short'''
*[[Ongulf]]:<grumbles> Well, we have found this place here full of promising resources and plan to create a new mining outpost. Of course this takes a lot of effort and organisation. ...
*[[Ongulf]]:For some of the tasks at hand we need help, even from outsiders like you. So if you are interested in some missions, let me know.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]:Listen, I can handle the organisation down here and my boys will handle the construction of the base fine enough. Actually, all you do down here is to stand in the workers' way. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: But there might be something for you to do outside the base. We need to learn more about the land up there. Take the lift and do some exploring. Find a passage leading out of the mountains. ...
*[[Ongulf]]:Do not explore any further though. You never know whom you might be messing with.
Dłuższa wersja opowieści:
*''Gracz'': '''long'''
*[[Ongulf]]: After centuries the resources beneath and around the Big Old One became alarmingly short. Some decades ago, the imperial mining guild financed a project to search and establish new mines far away from Kazordoon. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: After several tries with mixed success, the project of the technomancers proved the most successful. Their steamships studied and mapped the great underground rivers deep beneath the earth. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: With the help of certain apparatuses, they tracked deposits of ore and compiled ship routes to reach them. These mining bases had some obvious advantages and disadvantages. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: The suitable spots had no connection to the surface. On one hand, this meant that the new mines were safe from most kinds of beasts. On the other hand, it meant that all food and materials had to be brought there by ship. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Special, heavy ships were built to carry ore and supplies back and forth. The only limitation for such bases had been the range of the steamships. ...
*[[Ongulf]]:Recently, the technomancers with the help of the temples of fire and earth made some crucial discoveries that allowed the ships to extend their cruising range almost limitlessly. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: The survey ships of the technomancers were once again sent out to find new, promising resources. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Sadly some of the ships never returned and others only found minor deposits of ore, not worth the effort. But one of the ships made a groundbreaking discovery - a cave that had a connection to the surface. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: As far as the explorers could tell, the area had been unknown to dwarfhood and mankind so far. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: What was more, the cave system had an abundance of rare ores. The imperial mining guild agreed to fund a new project and to name it 'project far far away'. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Don't look at me, I'm not the one who came up with that name! Those technomancers are such an imaginative bunch. But where were we? Oh, yes, the new project! ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Well, some ships were sent to establish a first base. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: It became painfully obvious that the number of workers needed there could not easily be supplied by the ships alone. Also such a base would require an amount of money, expertise and manpower that the guild could not provide. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: We would need help and additional resources. That's where you come into play. If you are interested, let's talk about possible missions.
[[Ongulf]] zleca nam zadanie odnalezienia drogi na stepy [[Zao]]. Idziemy drogą:
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land1.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land2.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land3.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land4.gif]]<br/>
Kiedy zejdziemy ze schodów, pojawi się napis że odnaleźliśmy drogę, po czym możemy wrócić do [[Ongulf]]a.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Excellent. Although we have no idea what awaits us in this foreign land, it is always good to know something more about our surroundings.
===Misja 2: From Kazordoon with Love===
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Things are running fine so far. Actually so fine that we are short of supplies and men. I'd send a letter home but I guess sending you to get some assistance gives the whole affair a bit more urgency. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: So please travel back to Kazordoon. In the western mines outside of The Big Old One, you'll find Melfar of the imperial mining guild. Ask him to send some more miners and wood. When you return, I might have some more interesting missions for you.
[[Melfar]], członek gildii górników będzie przebywał na powierzchni w obszarze zaznaczonym żółtym kółkiem. Porozmawiaj z nim:
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-From Kazordoon with Love1.gif|frame|right]]
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Melfar]]: Just great, another disturbance. Just what I need.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Melfar]]: Ha! Men and wood you say? Well, I might be able to relocate some of our miners to the base. Acquiring wood is an entirely different matter though. ...
*[[Melfar]]: I can't spare any men for woodcutting right now but I have an unusual idea that might help. ...
*[[Melfar]]: As you might know, this area is troubled by giant beavers. Once a year, the miners decide to have some fun, so they lure the beavers and jump on them to have some sort of rodeo. ...
*[[Melfar]]: However, I happen to have some beaver bait left from the last year's competition. ...
*[[Melfar]]: If you place it on trees on some strategic locations, we could let the beavers do the work and later on, I'll send men to get the fallen trees. ...
*[[Melfar]]: Does this sound like something you can handle?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Melfar]]: So take this beaver bait. It will work best on dwarf trees. I'll mark the three trees on your map. Here .. here .. and here! So now mark those trees with the beaver bait. ...
*[[Melfar]]: If you're unlucky enough to meet one of the giant beavers, try to stay calm. Don't do any hectic moves, don't yell, don't draw any weapon, and if you should carry anything wooden on you, throw it away as far as you can.
Drewno jest bardzo potrzebne w [[Farmine]]. Niestety [[Melfar]] nie może wysłać żadnego drwala aby urąbał odpowiednią ilość drzewa, ale wpadł na pomysł że wyznaczone drzewa oblać [[Flask with Beaver Bait|specjalną przynętą na bobry]], żeby to one ucięły drzewo. Zaznaczy on na naszej mapie trzy miejsca na które musimy wylać przynętę.
<span style="font-size: 115%">'''Drzewo 1'''</span><br/>
Kiedy będziemy oznaczać pierwsze drzewo, [[Thieving Squirrel|niezadowolona wiewiórka]], ukradnie nam flaszeczkę i zacznie uciekać. Po jej "unieszkodliwieniu" będziemy mogli wziąć od niej skradzioną przynętę.<br/>
W przypadku, gdy wiewiórka ucieknie na dobre, zawsze można kupić od [[Melfar]]a kolejną porcję przynęty.<br>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-From Kazordoon with Love-Drzewo1.gif]]<br/>
<span style="font-size: 115%">'''Drzewo 2'''</span><br/>
Kiedy wylejemy część [[Flask with Beaver Bait|przynęty na bobry]], okaże się że już ktoś inny "oznaczył" drzewo. Złowrogie wilki zaatakują nas dlatego że wkroczyliśmy na ich terytorium.<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-From Kazordoon with Love-Drzewo2.gif]]
<span style="font-size: 115%">'''Drzewo 3'''</span><br/>
Podczas wylewania zawartości ampułki z drzewa wyjdzie rodzina [[Enraged Squirrel|rozzłoszczonych wiewiórek]], które zaczną w nas rzucać.<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-From Kazordoon with Love-Drzewo3.gif]]
Po rozłożeniu przynęty na drzewach, wracamy do [[Melfar]]a:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Melfar]]: Just great, another disturbance. Just what I need.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Melfar]]: Yes, I can hear them even from here. It has to be a legion of beavers! I'll send the men to get the wood as soon as their gnawing frenzy has settled! You can report to Ongulf that men and wood will be on their way!
Powie on że już słyszy gryzące bobry i kiedy już wszystko będzie gotowe, wyśle drewno do [[Farmine]]. Wracamy do [[Ongulf]] i zdajemy mu raport.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: That's good news for sure. It will give our operation a new impulse. However, only if there is not some unexpected trouble ahead. Well, we'll talk about that when we discuss your next mission.
===Misja 3: Strangers in the Night===
*''Gracz'': : '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Our guards reported some nightly visitors. They chased them through the mountains but lost them when the fugitives climbed up some vines. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: It could easily be some trap and I'm somewhat reluctant to send you there, but we can't allow some invisible aggressor to spy on us and maybe to prepare an attack. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Find these vines in this mountain, climb up there and find out who is spying on us! If they mean harm, get rid of them if possible. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: If they are too powerful, just retreat and we will have to re-evaluate the situation. If they are harmless, all the better.
Znowu idziemy, tą samą trasą co w misji pierwszej, ale zamiast udać się w stronę stepów, idziemy pod zbocze.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land1.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land2.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-A New Land3.gif]]<br/>
Gdy tam dojdziemy, używamy winorośli, żeby się wspiąć.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Strangers in the Night-Vines.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Strangers in the Night-Mountains1.gif]]<br/>
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Strangers in the Night-Mountains2.gif]]<br/>
Znajdziemy się na górze, gdzie swoją osadę mają ludzkie plemię tubylców. Odszukujemy jego [[Lazaran|przywódcę]] i rozmawiamy z nim:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Lazaran]]: Me greet.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Lazaran]]: Yes, yes! Tribe make great peace with tribe of little men and you! You smoke pipes of peace with us?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Lazaran]]: We brothers in peace now. No blood will be shed with your people! Ugha!
Teraz możemy pomagać tubylcom w ich problemach albo poprzez wykonywanie codziennych obowiązków osady, albo specjalnych misji.
W celu skrócenia misji wystarczy przeprowadzić następującą rozmowę z [[Lazaran]]em
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Lazaran]]: Me greet.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Lazaran]]: Me people wanting peace. No war with others. No war with little men. We few. We weak. Need help. We not wanting make war. No hurt.
I Wrócić do [[Ongulf]]a
Po zawarciu pokoju z tubylcami i zapewnieniu ich o nieagresji ze strony krasnoludów, wracamy do [[Farmine]]. Kiedy zjedziemy windą w dół, okaże się że podczas naszej nieobecności baza została rozbudowana. Od teraz możemy handlować z [[Pompan]]em. Przekazujemy [[Ongulf]]owi dobre wieści.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Primitive humans you say? This are most startling news, that's for sure. Well, I guess I'll send some victuals we can spare as a sign of our good will. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: However, our miners encountered another problem in the meantime. I'm afraid this will be your next mission.
===Misja 4: The Mine Is Mine===
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: It seems things went from bad to worse! First we had some problems with the mine shafts we were building, and now that we found some precious veins in one of the new mines, and it happens to be the holiday resort of some hostile stone creatures! ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Nothing we dwarfs couldn't handle alone, but I rather thought this could be something interesting for an adventurer like you. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: So I reserved you the privilege to slay the leader! Use the mining lift to reach mine A07. The more stone creatures you kill, the better. Your mission, however, is to slay their leader, most likely some special stone beast.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-MineIsMine3.png|frame|right|Skażona jaskinia.]]
[[Ongulf]] tym razem daje nam możliwość rozprawienia się z potworami, które pojawiły się przy jednej z obiecujących żył. Musimy wjechać drugą windą do kopalni A07 i zniszczyć przywódcę [[Stone Golem|kamiennych golemów]] - [[Shard of Corruption]].
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-MineIsMine1.gif]]
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-MineIsMine2.gif]]
Po pokonaniu wielkiego golema wracamy do [[Ongulf]]a.
*''Gracz'': : '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello, ''Gracz''. You've come at a good time for our project.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Shortly after you killed that creature, the others crumbled to dust and stone. I hope this incident does not foreshadow similar problems in our mines. However, for now I have other things to take care of and you have other missions to accomplish.
===Misja 5: Getting Things Busy===
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Things are getting more and more complicated. You need to convince our friends that some intervention for their part is needed. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: We've come a long way with our own resources, but now our resources are short and we need the others to step in. I want you to negotiate some more support from our partners. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: You'll need all your diplomacy and influence. If you blow the negotiations, look for a guy called Black Bert in Thais. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: He has access to all kind of odd items, and he might have just the right bribe to convince someone to continue negotiations. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: It will not be as easy as it might sound. So watch your words and your manners and keep in mind whom you are talking to. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Different strategies might be necessary for different people. You may try to FLATTER, THREATEN, IMPRESS, BLUFF, PLEA or to REASON with them. You probably need some luck as well. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: And now listen: We need more workers for the mines. The technomancers told us that a guy named Telas, who lives in Edron, copied the worker golem technology from Yalahar. Convince him to send us some of these golems. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Further, we have more ore and end products than we can use right now. So we need someone to buy all the surplus. Convince Leeland Slim in Venore that the local traders step in as resellers. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Another issue at hand is our lack of drilling worms. That should not be a big problem though. Just talk to the worm tamer in Kazordoon. If he does not get mad about you, there should be no problem to get his support. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Also, now that our monetary resources are used up and not much cash is coming in, we need additional help to finance this venture. Thais has promised money in advance, but we haven't seen any of this support, yet. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Convince the Thaian king to send us the promised money right now. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Another problem we need to solve is the exploration of our surroundings. We need to know friends and enemies, and find out about the plants and beasts in the vicinity and learn what is edible and what is dangerous. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: This is all stuff the Explorer Society is interested in. It should be easy to convince their representative in Port Hope. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: At last, with the growing numbers of adventurers here, not only the security of the base is growing but also the demand for certain supplies. I'd like the Edron academy to open up a shop in the base. We need to keep you adventurers happy, don't we? ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Well, I hope you understand the importance of this mission and got what it takes to fulfil it. So hurry up and get us the needed support.
Tym razem naszym zadaniem jest wynegocjowanie wsparcia od 6 rożnych osób, którymi są naukowcy [[Telas]] i [[Wyrdin]], właściciel domu handlowego [[Leeland]], przedstawiciel Stowarzyszenia Odkrywców [[Angus]], [[King Tibianus|Król Tibianus]] i hodowca [[Rotworm|robaków]] [[Humgolf]].<br>
Żeby to zrobić należy zapytać każdego z nich, o którąś z rzeczy podanych przez [[Ongulf]]a, czyli: '''Flatter''', '''Threaten''', '''Impress''', '''Bluff''', '''Plea''' albo '''Reason'''.<br>
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*''Gracz'': '''farmine'''
*''Gracz'': '''<nowiki><słowo></nowiki>'''
Często poprawnymi są ('''ale nie zawsze !!'''):
*[[King Tibianus|Król Tibianus]]  - Impress
*[[Leeland]]                              - Plea
*[[Angus]]                                - Reason
*[[Wyrdin]]                                - Flatter
*[[Telas]]                                  - Flatter
*[[Humgolf]]                              - Threaten
Jednak należy pamiętać że każdy z nich reaguje na losowe słowo i może się nam nie udać. Po wypowiedzeniu złego słowa, osoba jest na nas zła i nie chce dalszych negocjacji. Aby dalej negocjować będziemy musieli przekupić ją odpowiednim przedmiotem, kupionym u [[Black Bert|Czarnego Berta]].<br>
Przedmiotami, które ich zainteresują są:
*[[Telas]] - [[Universal Tool|Uniwersalne narzędzie]]
*[[Leeland]] - [[Soul Contract|Kontrakt duszy]]
*[[Wyrdin]] - [[Almanac of Magic|Księga magii]]
*[[Angus]] - [[Map to the Unknown|Mapa do nieznanego]]
*[[King Tibianus|Król Tibianus]] - [[Flask of Crown Polisher|Fiolka królewskiej polerki]]
*[[Humgolf]] - [[Baby Rotworm|Młody robak]]
Aby oddać przedmiot należy porozmawiać:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''Gracz'': '''Farmine''' ''<span style="font-size: 95%">([[NPC]] powie, że nie zamierza dalej prowadzić negocjacji, ale zapyta również czy mamy coś na przeprosiny)</span>''
*''Gracz'': '''Yes''' ''<span style="font-size: 95%">(teraz weźmie od nas interesujący go przedmiot i spyta o nasze argumenty, dlaczego ma wspierać kolonię [[Farmine]])</span>''
*''Gracz'': '''<nowiki><słowo></nowiki>'''
Ważne jest by poprawnie napisać dane słowo poprawnie oraz beż zbędnych znaków np: "Reason" dla NPC to nie to samo co "Reason " trzeba zwracać uwagę na spacje po wyrazie.''
Jeśli znowu trafimy na złe słowo, będziemy musili ponownie kupić przedmiot i powtórzyć dialog (ale oczywiście zmienić nie pasujące słowo).
Jeśli uda nam się trafić w dobre słowo wpis odpowiadający danemu NPC w quest log zniknie.
Gdy już uda nam się otrzymać wsparcie od wszystkich osób, należy udać się z powrotem do [[Ongulf]]a.
===Misja 6: Days Of Doom===
Po rozpoczęciu misji 6 miasto zostaje ponownie rozbudowane (depo).
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Our new friends, those primitive humans sent us a warning. According to them, the 'green men' of the plains plan an attack on the mountains. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Considering their expected number, there is no chance for us to beat them off. We might be able to hold our ground for a while, but without access to the surface and under constant attacks, we might have to abandon the base. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Now, I'm aware that you cannot stop an entire army by yourself, but desperate situations call for desperate measures. I ask you to find the leaders of the orcs and ..., well do something. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Scare them, bribe them, give them another target or whatever. As futile as it may sound: Try to talk to their leaders in some way and make them stop their attack plans. This is our only hope.
[[Ongulf]], czuje się zagrożony ze strony [[Orkowie|Orków]] mieszkających niedaleko, wiec musimy się udać do ich przywódcy i zawrzeć pokój. Wioska [[Orkowie|orków]] mieści się na północnym-wschodzie od zejścia na stepy [[Zao]], a ich przywódcą jest [[Minotaury|minotaur]] [[Curos]] mieszkający na północy wioski. Należy go znaleźć i z nim porozmawiać.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Curos]]: Be greeted blank skin.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Curos]]: You come here to ask us to spare your people? This land has no tolerance for the weak, we have it neither. If you want us to consider you as useful for us, you'll have to prove it in a test of strength and courage.
*''Gracz'': '''test'''
*[[Curos]]: First we will test your strength and endurance. You'll have to face one of the most experienced Mooh'Tah masters. As you don't stand a chance to beat such an opponent, your test will be simply to survive. ...
*[[Curos]]: Face him in a battle and survive for two minutes. If you do, we will be willing to assume that your are prepared for the life in these lands. Enter the ring of battle, close to my quarter. Return to me after you have passed this test.
Po tej rozmowie, należy udać się na arenę położoną na połódniowy-zachód od domu [[Curos]]a, wejśc w teleport i wytrzymać 2 minuty z [[Mooh'Tah Master|Mistrzem Mooh'Tah]]. Nie jest to trudne zadanie wystarczy biegać dookoła areny i unikać jego ataku z [[Energy Beam]]a. Po upływie dwóch minut zostaniemy prze teleportowani na zewnątrz, skąd musimy się udać z powrotem do [[Curos]]a i powiedzieć mu o sukcesie.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Curos]]: Be greeted blank skin.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Curos]]: We have seen that you can fight and survive. Yet, it will also need cleverness and courage to survive in these lands. We might see later if you've got what it takes. ...
*[[Curos]]: However, I stand to my word - our hordes will spare your insignificant piece of rock for now. Time will tell if you are worthy living next to us. ...
*[[Curos]]: Still, it will take years until we might consider you as an ally, but this is a start at least.
[[Curos]] zapewnił nas o tymczasowym pokoju, więc możemy się udać z powrotem do [[Ongulf]]a.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Oh my. What a mess you have gotten yourself into. Well, at least you made it out alive. Whatever the value of a minotaur's promise might be, I guess that is the best we can get. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Of course all those revelations lead to new problems and a new mission for you.
===Misja 7: Messengers of Peace===
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Ooook. Now that we managed to keep those orcs and minotaurs at bay at least for a while, we learn that the real meanies over here are some lizardmen. Just great, isn't it?. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: So you might already guess your next mission: Find a way to hold those lizards off. Find them, contact them, talk to them, scare them, bribe them, whatever. Just keep that snakes away if anyhow possible. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: If the orcs are right, they are somewhere in or behind those mountains in the north. I doubt you can reason with them in any way, but you'll have to try for the sake of Farmine.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Messengers of Peace2.png|frame|right|Tej płaskorzeźby smoka musimy użyć.]]
Po zawarciu pokoju z [[Orkowie|orkami]] i [[Minotaury|minotaurami]], [[Ongulf]] wciąż czuje się zagrożony ze strony [[Jaszczuroludzie|jaszczuroludzi]], więc tym razem musimy odszukać ich przywódcę i wynegocjować pokój.
Udajemy się do podziemnego miasta jaszczurów. Idziemy przez szczyt jedyną drogą, prowadzącą do wnętrza, a następnie do podziemnego miasta. Tam będziemy musieli walczyć z dość sporą ilością [[Lizard Legionnaire|jaszczurów legionistów]], [[Lizard High Guard|wysokich strażników]] i [[Lizard Dragon Priest|smoczych kapłanów]]. Dwuosobowa drużyna, z ponad 80 [[poziom]]em, powinna dać radę, chociaż poniosą oni duże straty. Polecane są [[poziom]]y powyżej 100.
[[Grafika:Podziemne_miasto_Jaszczuroludzi.png]] [[Grafika:Podziemne_miasto_Jaszczuroludzi2.png]]
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Messengers of Peace1.png]]
Niestety podczas drogi do władcy jaszczurów zostaliśmy złapani w pułapkę.
=== Misja 8: An Offer You Can't Refuse ===
Jesteśmy uwięzieni w celi. W północno-zachodnim rogu pomieszczenia, pod matą znajduje się kartka z podpowiedzią, aby wyjść używając tylnych ukrytych drzwi. Używamy posągu w ścianie, i idziemy na północ. Rozmawiamy z [[Ztiss]]em.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ztiss]]: Be greeted my .. guezt
*''Gracz'': '''work'''
*[[Ztiss]]: Zere iz a great tournament of ztrengz each decade. It determinez ze granted privilegez for zertain individualz of power for ze comming decade. ...
*[[Ztiss]]: My mazter wantz to zurprize hiz opponentz by an unexpected move. He will uze warriorz from ze outzide, zomeone zat no one can azzezz. ...
*[[Ztiss]]: One of ziz warriorz could be you. Or you could ztay here and rot in ze dungeon. Are you interezted in ziz deal?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Ztiss]]: You are zmart for a zoftzkin, but before you begin to feel too zmart, you should know zat we will zeal our deal wiz you drinking a ztrong poizon zat will inevitably kill you if you want to trick me and not attend ze tournament. ...
*[[Ztiss]]: Zo are you ready to drink ziz poizon here?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Ztiss]]: Excellent! Now you may leave ziz area zrough ze teleporter to ze norz. It will bring you to a hidden boat. Ziz boat will take you to ze tournament izle. ...
*[[Ztiss]]: Zere you'll learn anyzing you need to know about ze great tournament.
Dostajemy do wyboru: albo zabrać udział w dekadowych, wielkich mistrzostwach, albo zgnić w celi.<br>
Oczywiście wiemy co zrobić.<br>
[[Ztiss]], kazał nam wypić truciznę, która zacznie działać po turnieju, więc jeśli go oszukamy - umrzemy.
Wychodzimy teleportem, i pojawiamy się po północnej stronie [[Dragonblaze Peaks]]. W każdej chwili możemy wrócić na [[Stepy Zao]], teleportem przy posągu jaszczura, ale i tak będziemy musieli wrócić na mistrzostwa, żeby ukończyć zadanie. Od tej chwili możemy w ramach [[Lost Tomes Quest]], oddać [[Cael]]owi 6 tomów (aby móc oddać wszystkie, musimy ukończyć zadanie).
=== Misja 9: Mortal Combat ===
Jeśli wracaliśmy do [[Farmine|miasta]], to musimy udać się do teleportera.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Mortal Combat1.png]]
Pojawiamy się po drugiej stronie gór, na [[Muggy Plains|parnych polach]]. Idziemy na północ po drodze walcząc z [[Killer Caiman]], [[Lizard Legionnaire]] oraz [[Lizard High Guard]].
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Mortal Combat2.png]]
Rozmawiamy z [[Zurak]]iem:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Zurak]]: Hurry before zzomeone will zee uzz.
*''Gracz'': '''passage'''
*[[Zurak]]: You want trip to Izzle of Zztrife?
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
*[[Zurak]]: It'zz your doom you travel to.
Płyniemy na [[Isle of Strife|wyspę mistrzostw]].
Wchodzimy po skałach. Tutaj jest o wiele trudniej niż na [[Muggy Plains|Parnych polach]]. Pojawią się [[Lizard Dragon Priest|smoczy kapłani]], wszystkich potworów będzie więcej, a na szczycie wzgórza będziemy musieli walczyć z [[Draken Warmaster|Drakenami]], połączeniami smoka i jaszczura.
[[Grafika:The New Frontier Quest-Mortal Combat3.png]]
Wchodzimy do pokoju i rozmawiamy z [[Chrak]]iem.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*''Gracz'': '''battle'''
*''Gracz'': '''yes'''
Od teraz możemy udać się do pomieszczenia na północy. Razem z partnerem stajemy na podwyższeniach i przeciągamy dźwignię. Zaraz po tym walka się zacznie.
Na arenie będziemy walczyć z parami potworów. Tylko ostatni wojownik pojawia się pojedynczo.
#[[Baron Brute]] i [[The Axeorcist]]
#[[Menace]] i [[Fatality]]
#[[Incineron]] i [[Coldheart]]
#[[Dreadwing]] i [[Doomhowl]]
#[[Haunter]] i [[The Dreadorian]]
#[[Tremorak]] i [[Rocko]]
Podczas walki warto stanąć przy ścianie areny. Aby zwyciężyć, zabijamy wszystkie potwory po kolei. Po zabiciu [[Tirecz]]a, zostaniemy przeteleportowani do pokoju z nagrodami, gdzie będziemy mogli odebrać nasz [[Warmaster Outfits Quest|strój]]. Teraz, możemy także, w pełni ukończyć [[Lost Tomes Quest]].<br>
Dobrym rozwiązaniem jest Knight + Druid , Palladin + Palladin, Sorcerer + Paladin ponieważ są to najbardziej optymalne zespoły.
Knight + Knight również mogą to zrobić lecz poniosą ogromne straty.
Sorcerer/Druid + Sorcerer/Druid niech nawet nie próbują ponieważ dwaj magowie nie dadzą rady przy obrażeniach sięgających 1000 przy 3 parze bosów - [[Incineron]] i [[Coldheart]]
Będąc jeszcze na [[Chazorai]] rozmawiamy z [[Chrak]]iem:
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Chrak]]: Greetingz, competitor.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Chrak]]: You have done ze impozzible and beaten ze champion. Your mazter will be pleazed. Hereby I cleanze ze poizon from your body. You are now allowed to leave. ...
*[[Chrak]]: For now ze mazter will zee zat you and your alliez are zpared of ze wraz of ze dragon emperor az you are unimportant for hiz goalz. ...
*[[Chrak]]: You may crawl back to your alliez and warn zem of ze gloriouz might of ze dragon emperor and hiz minionz.
=== Misja 10: New Horizons ===
Wracamy do [[Farmine]] i rozmawiamy z [[Ongulf]]em.
*''Gracz'': '''hi'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Hello.
*''Gracz'': '''mission'''
*[[Ongulf]]: Oh, my! That sounds like a real mess. For now this dragon empire seems otherwise engaged, but we will be on guard thanks to you my friend. We will continue to fortify the base. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: This leaves not much to do for you down here. I recommend you continue to explore this strange new land. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: I'm pretty sure there are several opportunities at hand for an adventurer like you. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Perhaps you can help the primitives you encountered. Who knows, maybe even those minotaurs give you a chance to fortify this fragile peace between us. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Even some of the people here in the base might offer you some tasks sooner or later. If you prefer, you can also do some exploring, hunting and good ol' plundering on your own of course. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: This new land is yours to be taken, so to say. Go out and make your fortune! With Farmine you have always a safe haven to return to. ...
*[[Ongulf]]: Oh and one last thing: We convinced a carpet pilot to join us here. You'll find him on top of our lift in the mountains. I think he can offer you fast access to some cities back home.
Dostajemy 8000 [[exp]] i możemy latać dywanem ze szczytu góry.

Wersja z 23:07, 19 kwi 2011



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