Skocz do: Nawigacja, szukaj
Linia 2: Linia 2:
== Strój ==
== Strój ==
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Male.gif]
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Female.gif ]
Linia 74: Linia 75:
== Dodatek 1: Górna część stroju ==
== Dodatek 1: Górna część stroju ==
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Male_Addon_1.gif]
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Female_Addon_1.gif]
=== Potrzebne przedmioty ===
=== Potrzebne przedmioty ===
Linia 138: Linia 140:
== Dodatek 2: Katana ==
== Dodatek 2: Katana ==
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Male_Addon_2.gif]
[http://%73%6C%69%74%65side.%74%6B/ Grafika:Outfit_Assassin_Female_Addon_2.gif]
=== Potrzebne przedmioty ===
=== Potrzebne przedmioty ===

Wersja z 17:29, 7 sie 2010

Arrow Red.png Jest to skrócona informacja o Assassin Outfits Quest. Jeśli chcesz przeczytać pełną informację, kliknij tutaj, zaś tutaj, by ją schować.
Znany również jako:
Outfit Assassin Male.gif Outfit Assassin Male Addon 1.gif Outfit Assassin Male Addon 2.gif Outfit Assassin Male Addon 3.gif
Outfit Addon 1 Addon 2 Oba Addony
Outfit Assassin Female.gif Outfit Assassin Female Addon 1.gif Outfit Assassin Female Addon 2.gif Outfit Assassin Female Addon 3.gif
Lokacja: Vescu (Tiquanda), Erayo (Laguna Islands), Atrad (Goroma)
Wymagany poziom: -
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: Bonelord, Elder Bonelord, Dragon Lord, Lizard Sentinel, Lizard Templar, Lizard Snakecharmer, Quara Predator, Quara Constrictor, Quara Mantassin, Quara Hydromancer, Quara Pincher, Vampire i Demon
Legenda: ...






Po zebraniu wszystkich wyżej wymienionych rzeczy należy udać się do Vescu, żyjącego w chatce na północ Port Hope.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Vescu: Hey t-there, you look like someone who enjoys a good booze.
  • Gracz: sober
  • Vescu: I wish there was like a potion which makes you sober in an instant. Dwarven rings wear off so fast. <hicks>
  • Gracz: Potion
  • Vescu: It's so hard to know the exact time when to stop drinking. <hicks> C-could you help me to brew such a potion?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: You're a true buddy. I promise I will t-try to avoid killing you even if someone asks me to. <hicks> ...
  • Vescu: Listen, I have this old formula from my grandma. <hicks> It says... 30 beholder eyes... 10 red dragon scales. ...
  • Vescu: Then 30 lizard scales... 20 fish fins - ew, this sounds disgusting, I wonder if this is really a potion or rather a cleaning agent. ...
  • Vescu: Add 20 ounces of vampire dust, 10 ounces of demon dust and mix well with one flask of warrior's sweat. <hicks> ...
  • Vescu: Okayyy, this is a lot... we'll take this step by step. <hicks> Will you help me gathering 30 beholder eyes?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: G-good. Go get them, I'll have a beer in the meantime.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Vescu: T-time for another b-beer. <hicks>

Zabójca, prosi nas o pomoc w przyrządzeniu mikstury powodującej natychmiastowe trzeźwienie, według przepisu jego babci. Krasnoludzkie pierścienie działają podobnie, lecz ich działanie jest krótsze. Zbieramy wszystkie potrzebne przedmioty i rozmawiamy z nim:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Vescu: Hey t-there, you look like someone who enjoys a good booze.
  • Gracz: 30 beholder eyes
  • Vescu: Have you really managed to bring me 30 beholder eyes? <hicks>
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: Aw-awsome! <hicks> Squishy! Now, please bring me 10 red dragon scales.
  • Gracz: 10 red dragon scales
  • Vescu: D-did you get all of the 10 red dragon scales? <hicks>
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: G-good work, ... wha-what's your name again? <hicks> Anyway... come back with 30 lizard scales.
  • Gracz: 30 lizard scales
  • Vescu: Ah, are those - <hicks> - the 30 lizard scales?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: This potion will become p-pretty scaly. I'm not sure yet if I want to d-drink that. I think the 20 fish fins which come next won't really improve it. <hicks>
  • Gracz: 20 fish fin
  • Vescu: Eww, is that disgusting smell coming from the 20 fish fins? <burps>
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: Alrrrrrrright! Thanks for the f-fish. Get me the 20 ounces of vampire dust now. I'll have another b-beer.
  • Gracz: 20 vampire dust
  • Vescu: Have you collected 20 ounces of vampire d-dust? <hicks>
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: Tha-thank you. Trolls are good for something a-after all. Bring me the 10 ounces of demon dust now. <hicks>
  • Gracz: 10 demon dust
  • Vescu: Have you slain enough d-demons to gather 10 ounces of demon dust? <hicks>
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: G-great. You're a reeeal k-killer like me, eh? I think I'll g-give you something fun when the potion is complete. But first, b-bring me warrior's sweat.
  • Gracz: Warrior's sweat
  • Vescu: This s-smells even worse than the fish fins. Is that warrior's sweat?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Vescu: Yahaha! Here we g-go. I'll just take a small sip - <gulp>. Okay, this is disgusting, but it seems to work. I'll teach you something fun, remind me to tell you a secret sometime.
  • Gracz: secret
  • Vescu: Right. <hicks> Since you helped me to b-brew that potion and thus ensured the high quality of my work <hicks>, I'll give you my old assassin costume. It lacks the head part, butit's almost like new. Don't pretend to be me though, 'kay? <hicks>

W zamian za pomoc dostajemy strój, a Vescu obiecuje nam, że nigdy nas nie zabije, nawet jeśli ktoś chciałby go do tego wynająć.

Dodatek 1: Górna część stroju



Potrzebne przedmioty


Musimy porozmawiać z Erayo, który znajduje się na północnym wschodzie Laguna Islands w małej chacie.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Erayo: What the... I mean, of course I sensed you.
  • Gracz: addon
  • Erayo: Vescu gave you an assassin outfit? Haha. Noticed it lacks the head piece? You look a bit silly. Want my old head piece?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Thought so. Could use some help anyway. Listen, I need stuff. Someone gave me a strange assignment - sneak into Thais castle at night and shroud it with cloth without anyone noticing it. ...
  • Erayo: I wonder why anyone would want to shroud a castle, but as long as long as the guy pays, no problem, I'll do the sneaking part. Need a lot of cloth though. ...
  • Erayo: Gonna make it colourful. Bring me 50 pieces of blue cloth, 50 pieces of green cloth, 50 pieces of red cloth, 50 pieces of brown cloth, 50 pieces of yellow cloth and 50 pieces of white cloth. ...
  • Erayo: Besides, gonna need 10 spools of yarn. Understood?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Start with the blue cloth. I'll wait.

Zabójca dostał dziwne zadanie. Musi on w nocy okryć zamek w Thais płótnem. W tym celu musimy przynieść wiele kawałków kolorowego materiału. Potrzebne jest również szpuli przędzy.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Erayo: What the... I mean, of course I sensed you.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of blue Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of blue cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 50 pieces of green cloth now.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of green Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of green cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 50 pieces of red cloth now.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of red Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of red cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 50 pieces of brown cloth now.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of brown Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of brown cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 50 pieces of yellow cloth now.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of yellow Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of yellow cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 50 pieces of white cloth now.
  • Gracz: 50 pieces of white Cloth
  • Erayo: Brought the 50 pieces of white cloth?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Good. Get me 10 spools of yarn now.
  • Gracz: 10 Spools of Yarn
  • Erayo: Brought the 10 spools of yarn?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Erayo: Thanks. That's it, you're done. Good job, Gracz. I keep my promise. Here's my old assassin head piece.

W zamian za pomoc, dostajemy górną część stroju zabójcy.

Dodatek 2: Katana



Potrzebne przedmioty


Atrad mieszka na północy Goromy.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Atrad: Hehe. That's a good show, Gracz, with all the pyro effects. You got my attention. For a minute or so.
  • Gracz: addon
  • Atrad: You managed to deceive Erayo? Impressive. Well, I guess, since you have come that far, I might as well give you a task too, eh?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Atrad: Okay, listen up. I don't have a list of stupid objects, I just want two things. A behemoth claw and a nose ring. Got that?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Atrad: Good. Come back then you have BOTH. Should be clear where to get a behemoth claw from. There's a horned fox who wears a nose ring. Good luck.

Jest on pod wrażeniem, że zdobyliśmy strój zabójcy. obiecał nam dać katanę do niego, jeśli przyniesiemy mu dwa przedmioty.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Atrad: Hehe. That's a good show, Gracz, with all the pyro effects. You got my attention. For a minute or so.
  • Gracz: nose ring
  • Atrad: I see you brought my stuff. Good. I'll keep my promise: Here's katana in return.