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{{Spoiler| name=The Travelling Trader Quest}}
'''UWAGA!!! Nigdy nie klikaj w odnośniki które prowadzą do innych stron niż , lub pozostałych Supported Fansite's.'''
== Potrzebne rzeczy ==
*[[Grafika:Deer_Trophy.gif]] [[Deer Trophy]]
*[[Grafika:Iron_Ore.gif]] 3 [[Iron Ore]]
*[[Grafika:Goldfish_Bowl.gif]] [[Goldfish Bowl]]
*[[Grafika:Rope.gif]] [[Rope|Lina]]
*[[Grafika:Platinum_Coin.gif]] 1350 [[Gold Coin|gp]] potrzebne do misji
*[[Grafika:Gold_Coin.gif]]trochę złota na podróże
W związku z licznymi atakami hakerów, którzy w opisach questów umieszczają podejrzane linki zdecydowaliśmy się zdjąć nasze spoilery, a umieścić na jakiś czas linki do zaufanej strony jaką jest Za wszelkie wynikające z tego utrudnienia przepraszamy. Niestety jest to niezależne od nas.
===='''Misja 1 - Poniedziałek'''====
''Idziemy do [[Rashid]]a, który znajduje się w tawernie w [[Svargrond]]''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'':Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well, you could attempt the mission to become a recognised trader, but it requires a lot of travelling. Are you willing to try?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Very good! I need talented people who are able to handle my wares with care, find good offers and the like, so I'm going to test you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': First, I'd like to see if you can dig up rare wares. Something like a ... mastermind shield! ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Haha, just kidding, fooled you there, didn't I? Always control your nerves, that's quite important during bargaining. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Okay, all I want from you is one of these rare deer trophies. I have a customer here in Svargrond who ordered one, so I'd like you to deliver it to me while I'm in Svargrond....
*''[[Rashid]]'': Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Fine. Then get a hold of that deer trophy and bring it to me while I'm in Svargrond. Just ask me about your mission.
''[[Rashid]] chce abyś mu przyniósł [[Deer Trophy]]. Gdy już zdobędziesz wróć do niego (tylko w poniedziałki) i:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Have you managed to obtain a rare deer trophy for my customer?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well done! I'll take that from you. <snags it> Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''To tyle jeśli chodzi o poniedziałek.''
===='''Misja 2 - Wtorek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest w tawernie [[Liberty Bay]]:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Alright, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than finding rare items. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': You also need to be able to transport heavy wares, weaklings won't get far here. I have ordered a special package from Edron. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Pick it up from Willard and bring it back to me while I'm in Liberty Bay. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Fine. Then off you go, just ask Willard about the 'package for Rashid'.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
'' Idź do [[Willard]]a, [[Edron]]:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Greetings and Banor be with you, ''Gracz''!
*''Gracz'': '''package for rashid'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Oooh, damn, I completely forgot about that. I was supposed to pick it up from the Outlaw Camp. ...
*''[[Willard]]'':  I can't leave my shop here right now, please go and talk to Snake Eye about that package... I promise he won't make any trouble. ...
*''[[Willard]]'':  Don't tell Rashid! I really don't want him to know that I forgot his order. Okay?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Thank you, I appreciate it. Don't forget to mention the package to Snake.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Willard]]'': Farewell.
'' [[Willard]] zostawił [[Heavy Package|paczkę]] dla [[Rashid]]a w barze na [[Outlaw Camp]] więc udaj się do [[Snake Eye]].
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': Hi ''Gracz''. Come in and have a drink.
*''Gracz'': '''package for rashid'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': So you're the delivery boy? Go ahead, but I warn you, it's quite heavy. You can take it from the box over there.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Snake Eye]]'': Bye.
''Bierzemy paczkę ze skrzynki obok i wracamy do [[Rashid]]a ([[Heavy Package|paczka ta]] wazy 600oz więc trzeba się na to przygotować).''
''[[Rashid]], [[Liberty Bay]] 
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Did you bring me the package?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Great. Just place it over there - yes, thanks, that's it. Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
===='''Misja 3 - Środa'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest w tawernie [[Port Hope]]''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than carrying heavy packages. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': You also need to be fast and deliver wares in time. I have ordered a very special cheese wheel made from Darashian milk. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Unfortunately, the high temperature in the desert makes it rot really fast, so it must not stay in the sun for too long. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': I'm also afraid that you might not be able to use ships because of the smell of the cheese. ...
*''[[Rashid]]'': Please get the cheese from Miraia and bring it to me while I'm in Port Hope. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Okay, then please find Miraia in Darashia and ask her about the 'scarab cheese'.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Idź do [[Miraia]], [[Darashia]]''
''Idziemy do NPC [[Miraia]] i mówimy do niej:''
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Daraman's blessings, ''Gracz''. Welcome to the Enlightened Oasis.
*''Gracz'': '''scarab cheese'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Let me cover my nose before I get this for you... Would you REALLY like to buy scarab cheese for 100 gold?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Here it is.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Miraia]]'': Come back soon.
''Teraz musisz dostarczyć ser [[Rashid|Rashidowi]] (nie możesz podróżować statkiem musisz iść pieszo do [[Port Hope]]).
W tym momencie najlepiej używać czaru [[Haste]], bądź też [[Strong Haste]], jeżeli mamy niskopoziomową postać, ponieważ ser psuje sie po 30 minutach. Wydaje się dużo, ale słaba postać może mieć problem z przedarciem się przez dżunglę w tym czasie. Postacie słabsze niż 40 lvl powinny poprosić też kogoś silniejszego o pomoc, ponieważ na naszej drodze będzie sporo [[Tarantula|tarantul]], [[Elephant|słoni]] i [[Lizard Sentinel|jaszczuroludzi]] oraz wiele mniej szkodliwych potworków, które blokują drogę. Poza tym nie można wysyłać tego sera paczką.
Idąc do Port Hope uważaj na Hydry, które można spotkać po drodze.
''[[Rashid]], [[Port Hope]]''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]'': Have you brought the cheese?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Mmmhh, the lovely odeur of scarab cheese! I really can't understand why most people can't stand it. Thanks, well done!
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 4 - Czwartek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Arito]] (pierwsze piętro w budynku poczty w [[Ankrahmun]]).''
''[[Rashid]], [[Ankrahmun]]''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than bringing stinky cheese. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I wonder if you are able to deliver goods so fragile they almost break when looked at. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I have ordered a special elven vase from Briasol in Ab'Dendriel. Get it from him and don't even touch it, just bring it to me while I'm in Ankrahmun. Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Okay, then please find Briasol in Ab'Dendriel and ask for a 'fine vase'.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Musimy udać się do [[Ab'Dendriel]] i u [[NPC]] [[Briasol]] kupić [[Fine Vase]].
[[Briasol]], [[Ab'Dendriel]]
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Ashari ''Gracz''.
*''Gracz:'' '''Fine vase'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Rashid sent you, I suppose. Before I sell you that vase, one word of advice. ...
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Make room in your backpack so that I can place the vase carefully inside it. If it falls to the floor, it will most likely shatter or break if you try to pick it up again. ...
*''[[Briasol]]:'' This vase it not meant to be touched by human hands, so just keep your hands off it. Are you ready to buy that vase for 1000 gold?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Here you are.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Briasol]]:'' Asha Thrazi.
''Ze świeżo zakupioną [[Fine Vase|wazą]] udajemy się z powrotem do [[Rashid|Rashida]].''
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought the vase?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I'm surprised that you managed to bring this vase without a single crack. That was what I needed to know, thank you.
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 5 - Piątek'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Miraia]] w [[Darashia|Darashii]].
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''Mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Fine! There's one more skill that I need to test and which is cruicial for a successful trader. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Of course you must be able to haggle, else you won't survive long in this business. To make things as hard as possible for you, I have the perfect trade partner for you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Dwarves are said to be the most stubborn of all traders. Travel to Kazordoon and try to get the smith Uzgod to sell a crimson sword to you. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Of course, it has to be cheap. Don't come back with anything more expensive than 400 gold. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' And the quality must not suffer, of course! Everything clear and understood?
*''Gracz:'' '''Yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Okay, I'm curious how you will do with Uzgod. Good luck!
*''Gracz:'' '''Bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Musimy udać się do [[Kazordoon]] i u [[NPC]] [[Uzgod]] kupić [[Crimson Sword]].
*''Gracz:'' '''Hi'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Hiho Player! Wanna weapon, eh?
*''Gracz:'' '''crimson sword'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Me don't sell crimson sword.
*''Gracz:'' '''forge'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: You telling me to forge one?! Especially for you? You making fun of me?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Well. Thinking about it, me a smith, so why not. 1000 gold for your personal crimson sword. Ok?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]:'' Too expensive?! You think me work is cheap? Well, if you want cheap, I can make cheap. Hrmpf. I make cheap sword for 300 gold. Ok?
*''Gracz:'' '''no'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: Cheap but good quality? Impossible. Unless... you bring material. Three iron ores, 250 gold. Okay?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Uzgod]]: Ah, that's how me like me customers. Ok, me do this... <pling pling> ... another fine swing of the hammer here and there... <ploing>... here you have it!
''Jesli zrobimy wszystko dobrze to [[NPC]] [[Uzgod]] zabierze nam 250 [[Gold Coin|gp]] i 3 [[Iron Ore]] a w zamian da [[Crimson Sword|Crimson Sworda]]. Teraz wracamy do [[Rashid|Rashida]].
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought a cheap but good crimson sword?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ha! You are clever indeed, well done! I'll take this from you. Come see me tomorrow, I think we two might get into business after all.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
===='''Misja 6 - Sobota'''====
''Udajemy się do [[NPC]] [[Rashid|Rashida]], który jest w tawernie [[NPC]] [[Mirabell]] w [[Edron]]
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' My friend, it seems you have already learnt a lot about the art of trading. I think you are more than worthy to become a recognised trader. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' There is just one little favour that I would ask from you... something personal, actually, forgive my boldness. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' I have always dreamed to have a small pet, one that I could take with me and which wouldn't cause problems. ...
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Could you - just maybe - bring me a small [[Goldfish Bowl|goldfish in a bowl]]? I know that you would be able to get one, wouldn't you?
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Thanks so much! I'll be waiting eagerly for your return then.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Gdy udało nam sie zdobyć [[Goldfish Bowl]] wracamy do [[NPC]] [[Rashid]]
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Have you brought me a gold fish??
*''Gracz:'' '''yes'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Thank you!! Ah, this makes my day! I'll take the rest of the day off to get to know this little guy. Come see me tomorrow, if you like.
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
===='''Misja 7 - Niedziela'''====
''Idź do [[Rashid]]a, który jest przy depozycie na 1+ w [[Carlin]]:''
*''Gracz:'' '''hi'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
*''Gracz:'' '''mission'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Ah, right. <ahem> I hereby declare you - one of my recognised traders! Feel free to offer me your wares!
*''Gracz:'' '''bye'''
*''[[Rashid]]:'' Farewell, may the winds guide your way.
''Od tego momentu można sprzedawać [[item|itemy]] u [[NPC]] [[Rashid]].

Wersja z 17:03, 25 sty 2009

Arrow Red.png Jest to skrócona informacja o The Travelling Trader Quest. Jeśli chcesz przeczytać pełną informację, kliknij tutaj, zaś tutaj, by ją schować.
Znany również jako: Rashid Quest, Friends and Traders Quest
Nagroda: Możliwość handlowania z Rashidem
Lokacja: Wszystkie miasta w strefie Premium oraz Carlin.
Wymagany poziom: 21
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: Bandit, Wild Warrior, Nomad, Smuggler, Cobra, Lizard Templar, Lizard Sentinel, Spit Nettle, Tarantula, Centipede, Terror Bird, Dworc Fleshhunter, Dworc Venomsniper, Slime, Elephant oraz możliwe lurnięta Hydra i Minotaury.
Legenda: Rashid podróżuje między siedmioma miastami Tibii skupując różne przedmioty. Lecz zanim będziesz mógł z nim handlować, musisz wykonać dla niego kilka zadań.
Uwaga: quest można rozpocząć jedynie w poniedziałek!

Potrzebne rzeczy


Misja 1 - Poniedziałek

Idziemy do Rashida, który znajduje się w tawernie w Svargrond

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid:Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: Well, you could attempt the mission to become a recognised trader, but it requires a lot of travelling. Are you willing to try?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Very good! I need talented people who are able to handle my wares with care, find good offers and the like, so I'm going to test you. ...
  • Rashid: First, I'd like to see if you can dig up rare wares. Something like a ... mastermind shield! ...
  • Rashid: Haha, just kidding, fooled you there, didn't I? Always control your nerves, that's quite important during bargaining. ...
  • Rashid: Okay, all I want from you is one of these rare deer trophies. I have a customer here in Svargrond who ordered one, so I'd like you to deliver it to me while I'm in Svargrond....
  • Rashid: Everything clear and understood?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Fine. Then get a hold of that deer trophy and bring it to me while I'm in Svargrond. Just ask me about your mission.

Rashid chce abyś mu przyniósł Deer Trophy. Gdy już zdobędziesz wróć do niego (tylko w poniedziałki) i:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: Have you managed to obtain a rare deer trophy for my customer?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Well done! I'll take that from you. <snags it> Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

To tyle jeśli chodzi o poniedziałek.

Misja 2 - Wtorek

Idź do Rashida, który jest w tawernie Liberty Bay:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Alright, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than finding rare items. ...
  • Rashid: You also need to be able to transport heavy wares, weaklings won't get far here. I have ordered a special package from Edron. ...
  • Rashid: Pick it up from Willard and bring it back to me while I'm in Liberty Bay. Everything clear and understood?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Fine. Then off you go, just ask Willard about the 'package for Rashid'.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Idź do Willarda, Edron:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Willard: Greetings and Banor be with you, Gracz!
  • Gracz: package for rashid
  • Willard: Oooh, damn, I completely forgot about that. I was supposed to pick it up from the Outlaw Camp. ...
  • Willard: I can't leave my shop here right now, please go and talk to Snake Eye about that package... I promise he won't make any trouble. ...
  • Willard: Don't tell Rashid! I really don't want him to know that I forgot his order. Okay?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Willard: Thank you, I appreciate it. Don't forget to mention the package to Snake.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Willard: Farewell.

Willard zostawił paczkę dla Rashida w barze na Outlaw Camp więc udaj się do Snake Eye.

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Snake Eye: Hi Gracz. Come in and have a drink.
  • Gracz: package for rashid
  • Snake Eye: So you're the delivery boy? Go ahead, but I warn you, it's quite heavy. You can take it from the box over there.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Snake Eye: Bye.

Bierzemy paczkę ze skrzynki obok i wracamy do Rashida (paczka ta wazy 600oz więc trzeba się na to przygotować).

Rashid, Liberty Bay

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: Did you bring me the package?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Great. Just place it over there - yes, thanks, that's it. Come see me another day, I'll be busy for a while now.
  • Gracz: Bye

Misja 3 - Środa

Idź do Rashida, który jest w tawernie Port Hope

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than carrying heavy packages. ...
  • Rashid: You also need to be fast and deliver wares in time. I have ordered a very special cheese wheel made from Darashian milk. ...
  • Rashid: Unfortunately, the high temperature in the desert makes it rot really fast, so it must not stay in the sun for too long. ...
  • Rashid: I'm also afraid that you might not be able to use ships because of the smell of the cheese. ...
  • Rashid: Please get the cheese from Miraia and bring it to me while I'm in Port Hope. Everything clear and understood?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Okay, then please find Miraia in Darashia and ask her about the 'scarab cheese'.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Idź do Miraia, Darashia Idziemy do NPC Miraia i mówimy do niej:

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Miraia: Daraman's blessings, Gracz. Welcome to the Enlightened Oasis.
  • Gracz: scarab cheese
  • Miraia: Let me cover my nose before I get this for you... Would you REALLY like to buy scarab cheese for 100 gold?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Miraia: Here it is.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Miraia: Come back soon.

Teraz musisz dostarczyć ser Rashidowi (nie możesz podróżować statkiem musisz iść pieszo do Port Hope). W tym momencie najlepiej używać czaru Haste, bądź też Strong Haste, jeżeli mamy niskopoziomową postać, ponieważ ser psuje sie po 30 minutach. Wydaje się dużo, ale słaba postać może mieć problem z przedarciem się przez dżunglę w tym czasie. Postacie słabsze niż 40 lvl powinny poprosić też kogoś silniejszego o pomoc, ponieważ na naszej drodze będzie sporo tarantul, słoni i jaszczuroludzi oraz wiele mniej szkodliwych potworków, które blokują drogę. Poza tym nie można wysyłać tego sera paczką. Idąc do Port Hope uważaj na Hydry, które można spotkać po drodze.

Rashid, Port Hope

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: Have you brought the cheese?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Mmmhh, the lovely odeur of scarab cheese! I really can't understand why most people can't stand it. Thanks, well done!
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Misja 4 - Czwartek

Idź do Rashida, który jest w tawernie NPC Arito (pierwsze piętro w budynku poczty w Ankrahmun).

Rashid, Ankrahmun

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Well, that's good to hear. From you as my trader and deliveryman, I expect more than bringing stinky cheese. ...
  • Rashid: I wonder if you are able to deliver goods so fragile they almost break when looked at. ...
  • Rashid: I have ordered a special elven vase from Briasol in Ab'Dendriel. Get it from him and don't even touch it, just bring it to me while I'm in Ankrahmun. Everything clear and understood?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Okay, then please find Briasol in Ab'Dendriel and ask for a 'fine vase'.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Musimy udać się do Ab'Dendriel i u NPC Briasol kupić Fine Vase.

Briasol, Ab'Dendriel

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Briasol: Ashari Gracz.
  • Gracz: Fine vase
  • Briasol: Rashid sent you, I suppose. Before I sell you that vase, one word of advice. ...
  • Briasol: Make room in your backpack so that I can place the vase carefully inside it. If it falls to the floor, it will most likely shatter or break if you try to pick it up again. ...
  • Briasol: This vase it not meant to be touched by human hands, so just keep your hands off it. Are you ready to buy that vase for 1000 gold?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Briasol: Here you are.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Briasol: Asha Thrazi.

Ze świeżo zakupioną wazą udajemy się z powrotem do Rashida.

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: Have you brought the vase?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: I'm surprised that you managed to bring this vase without a single crack. That was what I needed to know, thank you.
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Misja 5 - Piątek

Idź do Rashida, który jest w tawernie NPC Miraia w Darashii.

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: Mission
  • Rashid: So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Fine! There's one more skill that I need to test and which is cruicial for a successful trader. ...
  • Rashid: Of course you must be able to haggle, else you won't survive long in this business. To make things as hard as possible for you, I have the perfect trade partner for you. ...
  • Rashid: Dwarves are said to be the most stubborn of all traders. Travel to Kazordoon and try to get the smith Uzgod to sell a crimson sword to you. ...
  • Rashid: Of course, it has to be cheap. Don't come back with anything more expensive than 400 gold. ...
  • Rashid: And the quality must not suffer, of course! Everything clear and understood?
  • Gracz: Yes
  • Rashid: Okay, I'm curious how you will do with Uzgod. Good luck!
  • Gracz: Bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Musimy udać się do Kazordoon i u NPC Uzgod kupić Crimson Sword.

  • Gracz: Hi
  • Uzgod: Hiho Player! Wanna weapon, eh?
  • Gracz: crimson sword
  • Uzgod: Me don't sell crimson sword.
  • Gracz: forge
  • Uzgod: You telling me to forge one?! Especially for you? You making fun of me?
  • Gracz: no
  • Uzgod: Well. Thinking about it, me a smith, so why not. 1000 gold for your personal crimson sword. Ok?
  • Gracz: no
  • Uzgod: Too expensive?! You think me work is cheap? Well, if you want cheap, I can make cheap. Hrmpf. I make cheap sword for 300 gold. Ok?
  • Gracz: no
  • Uzgod: Cheap but good quality? Impossible. Unless... you bring material. Three iron ores, 250 gold. Okay?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Uzgod: Ah, that's how me like me customers. Ok, me do this... <pling pling> ... another fine swing of the hammer here and there... <ploing>... here you have it!

Jesli zrobimy wszystko dobrze to NPC Uzgod zabierze nam 250 gp i 3 Iron Ore a w zamian da Crimson Sworda. Teraz wracamy do Rashida.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: mission
  • Rashid: Have you brought a cheap but good crimson sword?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Rashid: Ha! You are clever indeed, well done! I'll take this from you. Come see me tomorrow, I think we two might get into business after all.
  • Gracz: bye

Misja 6 - Sobota

Udajemy się do NPC Rashida, który jest w tawernie NPC Mirabell w Edron

  • Gracz: hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: mission
  • Rashid: So, my friend, are you willing to proceed to the next mission to become a recognised trader?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Rashid: My friend, it seems you have already learnt a lot about the art of trading. I think you are more than worthy to become a recognised trader. ...
  • Rashid: There is just one little favour that I would ask from you... something personal, actually, forgive my boldness. ...
  • Rashid: I have always dreamed to have a small pet, one that I could take with me and which wouldn't cause problems. ...
  • Rashid: Could you - just maybe - bring me a small goldfish in a bowl? I know that you would be able to get one, wouldn't you?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Rashid: Thanks so much! I'll be waiting eagerly for your return then.
  • Gracz: bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Gdy udało nam sie zdobyć Goldfish Bowl wracamy do NPC Rashid

  • Gracz: hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: mission
  • Rashid: Have you brought me a gold fish??
  • Gracz: yes
  • Rashid: Thank you!! Ah, this makes my day! I'll take the rest of the day off to get to know this little guy. Come see me tomorrow, if you like.
  • Gracz: bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Misja 7 - Niedziela

Idź do Rashida, który jest przy depozycie na 1+ w Carlin:

  • Gracz: hi
  • Rashid: Ah, a customer! Be greeted!
  • Gracz: mission
  • Rashid: Ah, right. <ahem> I hereby declare you - one of my recognised traders! Feel free to offer me your wares!
  • Gracz: bye
  • Rashid: Farewell, may the winds guide your way.

Od tego momentu można sprzedawać itemy u NPC Rashid.