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Znany również jako:
Nagroda: 3500 gp, 9500 exp
Lokacja: W domku, na południe od Thais
Wymagany poziom:
Potwory, które można napotkać po drodze: -
Legenda: Eclesius prosi nas o wykonanie zadania złożonego z 6 poszczególnych misji.

Misja 1: A Hat for the Sane

  • Gracz: mission
  • Eclesius: Well, now that you mention it, there is in fact something you could do for me apart from your usual tasks. It's all because of that fool! ...
  • Eclesius: I can't remember who it was, but someone ruined my favourite hat which used to complete my favourite outfit. It's totally dented! Also there are some suspicious stains on it. It is out of the question for me to wear it in that state!! ...
  • Eclesius: So I guess I need a new hat. And while we're at it, I want it to be kind of stylish. Also manly. Not pink! And, uh, not too heavy. But since you're my assistant, I'll leave all that up to you. Hehe. ...
  • Eclesius: Unfortunately I'm not good at sewing, so you might need to find a tailor. I heard they have a large warehouse for clothing in Venore. Maybe you can find someone there who could help you with the hat. Will you take on this mission?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Eclesius: <claps hands> How splendid! ... What was it again? Uhm... I can't remember right now, but I feel happy anyway. Just surprise me with whatever you have planned. Hehe.

Eclesius prosi nas, abyśmy przynieśli dla niego nowy kapelusz. Nie może być on zbyt ciężki, ani zbyt różowy.

Udaj się do Irmany znajdującej się w Venore. To właśnie u niej za Minotaur Leather i 2 Bat Wings otrzymasz Dark Hat, z którym musisz wrócić do Eclesiusa.

  • Gracz: hi
  • Irmana: Welcome to the house of fashion, Gracz!
  • Gracz: hat
  • Irmana: Yes, I can help you with fabricating a hat for your master. I have three different models available. A dark hat, a pink hat and a wooden hat. What do you think would he prefer?
  • Gracz: dark hat
  • Irmana: To create a dark hat, I need one piece of minotaur leather and two bat wings. Do you have those materials with you by coincidence?
  • Gracz: yes
  • Irmana: A little stitch here and a little stitch there... perfect! Here you are. With the best wishes to your master.

Nagrody: 10 Platinum Coin i 2000 exp.

Mission 2: Walking on Clouds

Eclesius stiwerdził, że zapach wydobywający się z jego starych sandałów jest już nie do zniesienia. Dlatego prosi swojego asystenta o zdobycie mu nowych.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: Just this morning I noticed a truly horrible smell. It's possible that I have already noticed it several times before and have forgotten it again, but this smell is really very persistent. ...
Eclesius: Embarrassingly, it comes from... my own feet. <sigh> Those sandals I wear have seen their best days. I could really use a new pair. Impregnated with an anti-smelly-feet-hex. ...
Eclesius: Could you get me a pair of sandals? I'm sure that, together, we can solve this problem. Do you have some time spare for this mission?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Okay, fine! Huh? Where to get sandals from? You could consider hunting elves. Or... just find a shoemaker somewhere. I'll wait for you here, It would be socially irresponsible of me to inflict this smell on the general public!

Teraz trzeba zdobyć nowe Sandały. Można je złupić na Elfach lub kupić za 2 gp w Venore u szewca imieniem Aldo. Kiedy już je mamy, możemy wrócić do Eclesiusa.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: I haven't forgotten a single word I told you. Sandals! Did you bring me a pair?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Yes, that's good quality. Wait, let me put my name on them! There's still a few things to be done before I can wear them though. Remember, the anti-smelly-feet-hex I told you about? You probably don't, but that doesn't matter. I'm patient. ...
Eclesius: The first thing we need to do is disinfect them in boiling water to get rid of all those germs. I suggest you use the large cauldron in my lab since the water there also contains some magical essences. ...
Eclesius: Just use them on the cauldron and then come back. And don't lose my sandals! Or else we'll have to start over with everything.

Najpierw musimy zdezynfekować Sandały. Wystarczy je w tym celu wrzucić do wrzącej wody. Schodzimy na dół do laboratorium i używamy ich na wielkim kotle.


Wracamy do Eclesiusa i informujemy go o naszej misji.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: You did what?! You put sandals into my cauldron? Oh no! My soup!! I forgot that I was actually preparing dinner. But... oh well. I guess they are clean now. And tasty. Now, for the second step of the process. ...
Eclesius: For the anti-smell-hex, we're going to confront those sandals with a worst-case-scenario. Hehe. I suggest you use them on the fresh corpse of a skunk.. ...
Eclesius: Where can you find skunks, you say? Hum. I think some have made their home in the jungle near Port Hope. Or if you're scared of that, a summoned skunk would probably do the trick too. ...
Eclesius: NO, I can't do the summoning! I don't want to have the smell anywhere near me. Now go, go!

Teraz należy uodpornić Sandały na smród. W tym celu należy użyć ich na ciele martwego skunksa. Zwierzęta te można znaleźć w dżungli w okolicach Port Hope, albo po prostu zsummonować. Kiedy już to zrobimy wracamy do naszego maga.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: Eww! What's... what's that unbearable stench on you? Is that you?? Oh dear... you really should shower more often, you smell like dead skunk! Oh, now I remember! Ehem. ...
Eclesius: Now that we have impregnated the sandals with a really bad smell, we should counter that with a really good smell. Hm. Just wondering what that might be. Can you think of anything that smells really delicious?

I tu mamy wybór. Eclesius pyta nas co naprawdę ładnie pachnie, żeby nasączyć tym aromatem jego sandały. Mogą być różne odpowiedzi, np. Ciasteczka albo Kwiaty. Weźmy pod uwagę jeden z przykładów:

Gracz: flower
Eclesius: Aha! Great minds think alike! And I'm thinking of... a white flower. Not to be confused with the dew kisser flowers near my house! They are white also, but I mean a white flower that's also simply called white flower. ...
Eclesius: Unfortunately I've forgotten where they grow, but I think there are some not too far from here. Use the sandals on a white flower so they can soak up the fragrance. Shh, don't question my plan. It'll work out great!

Teraz należy użyć Sandałów na Kwiatku, który rośnie najczęściej obok White Flower Temple, albo na innej rzeczy w zależności co powiedzieliśmy Eclesiusowi (np. na ciasteczku). Po wykonaniu tej czynności możemy wrócić do naszego mistrza, żeby otrzymać swoją nagrodę.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: Mmmh... what's that infatuating smell? I can't tell exactly what it smells like, but really, it's delicious. Ahh yes, the anti-smell-hex, I remember! It seems to have worked! Can I have my sandals now, please?
Player: flower
Eclesius: I'm very pleased, very pleased indeed. Thank you, my dear assistant. I'm sure we will suffer a lot less from now on. At least, as far as our olifactory senses are concerned. I mean of course, as regards the smell.

*Nagrody: 5 platinum coins i 2000 exp.

Mission 3: Love's a Wicked Game

Eclesius zapoznaje nas ze swoim mrocznym planem. Chce stworzyć nową rasę, której będzie bogiem. Rasa, którą zamierza stworzyć ma stanowić krzyżówkę Elfa z Krasnoludem.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: It's time to involve you in my plan. Muahaha. I plan on becoming a God! ...
Eclesius: Well, something similar. I want to create a whole new Tibian race! A race that will be both strong and lean, skilled and robust. And they will all serve me. ...
Eclesius: So far my plan. I was thinking that the traits of elves and dwarfs combined would make a really superior being. Just imagine the possibilities! There's one slight problem though. ...
Eclesius: Dwarfs and elves hate each other. There's probably no way they'd voluntarily... well, ehem, cooperate in the creation of this superior new race. So we have to work our magic! Well, you will have to work my magic on my behalf. Hehe. ...
Eclesius: My idea is to turn you into a dating agent. You will have to travel to Kazordoon and Ab'Dendriel and find me a dwarf and an elf - of course of different gender - who seem to be interested in a relationship. ...
Eclesius: Convince them to take part in a dating program and to hand you a personal item we can use for their partner search. Once you've done so, come back to me and we will continue our plan! Will you take on this mission?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Good. Don't forget, travel to Kazordoon and Ab'Dendriel and find me a lonely dwarf and a lonely elf. Talk them into taking part in the dating program! And bring something personal back from them!

Jedynym problemem szalonego maga jest to, że Krasnoludy i Elfy się nienawidzą. Dlatego musimy udawać pośrednika randkowego i namówić na randkę w ciemno samotnych Krasnoluda i Elfią Kobietę oraz zabrać od nich jakąś osobistą rzecz.

Najpierw udajemy się do Kazordoon, gdzie w Karczmie znajdziemy smutnego Krasnoluda topiącego swoje smutki w piwie. Kupujemy 6 piw i możemy rozpocząć rozmowę.

Gracz: problems
Grodrik: <sigh> My current problem is that my beer is empty. Got a mug of beer for me?
Gracz: yes
Grodrik: Hrrm. Appreciated. <gulp gulp> You know, life without a woman just isn't as much fun. Someone who'll give you a foot massage when you come home from the tavern.
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, thanks, stranger. I like you better and better. Hehehe. Now, did you want to say something?
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, thanks, stranger. I like you better and better. Hehehe. Now, did you want to say something?
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, thanks, stranger. I like you better and better. Hehehe. Now, did you want to say something?
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, thanks, stranger. I like you better and better. Hehehe. Now, did you want to say something?
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, thanks, stranger. I like you better and better. Hehehe. Now, did you want to say something?

Teraz, kiedy jest już wstawiony, możemy zagaić na temat randek.

Gracz: dating
Grodrik: You know... <hicks> ... maybe that's not such a bad idea after all. <hicks> You took note of my wishes, right... <hicks> Is there anything you still need from me for the <hicks> registration?
Gracz: yes
Grodrik: A personal <hicks> item, you say? Well, I can give you my favourite <hicks> axe. Here. Let me know when you find a girl for me. <hicks>

Teraz możemy udać się do Ab'Dendriel, gdzie znajdziemy samotną Elficką Kobietę. Kręci się ona po pierwszym piętrze biblioteki.

Gracz: study
Amarie: Oh, you're interested in what I study? Really? <blushes> That's unusual. Well, it's about the... no wait. I don't want to bore you. Are you really interested?
Gracz: yes
Amarie: Wow. Okay... it's about the... <blushes even more> well... social interaction of milkbugs in their m... mating season.
Gracz: milkbugs
Amarie: Milkbugs are a very interesting species, actually. They really care for each other and help each other to raise their young.
Gracz: care
Amarie: Sigh... so caring, yes. <gets a dreamy look in her eyes> Sometimes I dream of.... ah .. forget what I said. <blushes>
Gracz: dream
Amarie: What do I dream of? I think... no one has asked me that for a long time. In my favourite book it says... oh, but it isn't really interesting.
Gracz: book
Amarie: My favourite book... is an erm... poetry book. Which I shouldn't waste my study time on, but... poetry can also be meaningful.
Gracz: poetry
Amarie: Would you like me to... re... recite some poetry? <blushes>
Gracz: yes
Amarie: Really... okay. I'll tell you my favourite. Maybe you'll like it too... <smiles shyly> It's an elven poem, but I'll translate it for you. Here goes: ...
Amarie: 'Alas, her pale face up in the starry sky ...
Amarie: Flaunting a light that is not hers ...
Amarie: Lost in reverie to dance with the fervid sun ...
Amarie: Yet knowing that this day will never dawn ...
Amarie: For with the dawn she fades ...
Amarie: And only when darkness engulfs her ...
Amarie: Will her light shine the brightest.' ...
Amarie: <blushes> So... what do you think? Did you like the poem?
Gracz: yes
Amarie: Oh, do you really mean it? That's so nice, finally someone who understands me. <smiles and claps her hands> Maybe you will understand my dreams as well. Or... I'm getting carried away. My dreams are a little confusing. ...
Amarie: And I don't think there's a chance that I'll ever find what I'm really looking for. <sighs> I guess I shall have to resign myself to a long, lonely life without love...
Gracz: love
Amarie: Love? Hah... you don't know me. I'm really not good at this stuff. Or what is it you're implying?
Gracz: dating
Amarie: <blushes> You are a dating agent? Oh dear, I never would've told you all this stuff had I known that earlier. Well... I guess... it's better than waiting all my life. ...
Amarie: Do you need anything from me for the registration?
Gracz: yes
Amarie: A personal item, you say? Well... the most personal thing I have is this book of mine... with my favourite poem in it. I'll give it to you... maybe you'll find someone who also sees more in it. Thank you...

Teraz możemy wrócić do Eclesiusa i poinformować go o przebiegu naszej misji.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: Yes, I remember my plan very well! I take it you have found a lonely dwarf and a lonely elf for our dating game?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: And you've also brought a personal item from each of them. Very, very good, let me take them and put them here, yes. Hehe. What do you think, based on their personalities, could the dwarf and elf in question get on with each other?
Gracz: no
Eclesius: Well, that doesn't surprise me. But to find out how concentrated our love potion has to be, let's do a small questionaire with them. ...
Eclesius: Go into my library. Somewhere around there you should find a parchment with some sample questions on it. Ask the dwarf and the elf the questions and see if they have ANYTHING in common. That should give us a starting point.

Udajemy się do biblioteki Eclesiusa, która znajduje się na pierwszym piętrze jego domu i wyciągamy z szafki pergamin, na którym zapisanych jest kilka pytań. Wracamy do naszych samotnych randkowiczów i zadajemy im pytania. Nie będę tu przytaczać tych rozmów, ponieważ odpowiedzi mogą być różne. Jednak zawsze jedna odpowiedź będzie taka sama u obojga. Wracamy do Eclesiusa i mówimy mu o naszej misji, przytaczając wspólną odpowiedź (np. jeśli oboje lubią kolor żółty mówimy: "yellow", natomiast jeśli oboje uważają, że w związku najważniejsze jest zaufanie, mówimy "trust". Itd., itp.).

Na tej podstawie mag może sporządzić eliksir miłości.

Gracz: mission
Eclesius: You'll probably be flabbergasted to hear that I've already prepared the basic love potion while you were gone. You thought you would have to gather ingredients now, right? Hehehe. ...
Eclesius: Sometimes I just love surprises! I'll give you two doses. Try to get each of our little, erm, love birds to drink it. And then run away very fast before the potion takes effect! ...
Eclesius: Trust me, you don't want to be the first person they see, plus you'll ruin the experiment. Just come back to me once we're done and I'll take care of the rest. ...
Eclesius: Are you ready?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Be prepared to do some convincing, but don't use force. Teehee. And remember to RUN once they've drunk it!

I znów wracamy do samotnych. Musimy dać im napój i jak najszybciej zwiać. Nie możemy też powiedzieć im wprost, że jest to eliksir miłości. Krasnoluda najlepiej zachęcić piwem.

Gracz: Hi
Grodrik: Hello, my friend. What do you have for me today?
Gracz: beer
Grodrik: Oh, sure. Let's have a drink first. Got a beer for me?
Gracz: yes
Grodrik: <gulp gulp> Aa... erm... what the... that's a strange beer. It makes me feel... all warm and fuzzy... uuhhhnn...

Po wypowiedzeniu "yes" musimy od razu wziąć nogi za pas i uciec z jego pola widzenia. Teraz możemy udać się do Ab'Dendriel, a naszego mola książkowego najlepiej zachęcić kubkiem mleka.

Gracz: Hi
Amarie: Ashari, my friend. My heart is filled with gladness and hope. Have you got anything interesting for me?
Gracz: milk
Amarie: Oh, you brought us some bug milk? That's so nice of you! Let's drink it right away, shall we?
Gracz: yes
Amarie: <sips> To love! The most beautiful of all... uh... my tummy... feels so warm... and my heart is beating faster...

I znów, po wypowiedzeniu "yes" należy szybko się zmyć. Teraz możemy wrócić do naszego szalonego maga.

Eclesius: MUAHAHA! My plan worked! You did well! I'll make sure you get an extra bonus for that. Now hmm, hmm, let me think for a moment before we go on with the mission.

Dajemy mu chwilkę namysłu i znów go witamy.

Gracz: hi
Eclesius: Oh, welcome back, my most valued assistant! I have got some tasks for you, and maybe also a real mission or two! Uh... what was your name again?
Gracz: mission
Eclesius: I have just noticed a very small flaw in my plan. Our subjects need to meet each other, and that rather fast. But a dwarf would never visit Ab'Dendriel, nor would an elf go to Kazordoon. ...
Eclesius: So we need to get them here! I just happen to have a small crack in the space-time continuum under my house. Once you are ready, we will both go there and summon forth our subjects. Are you prepared?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Space-time continuum, here we come!

Jak słusznie zauważył nasz mistrz, żadnen Krasnolud nie postawi nogi w mieście Elfów i na odwrót, dlatego należy udać się w kontinuum czaso-przestrzenne znajdujące się pod domem Eclesiusa, w którym tych dwoje będzie mogło się spotkać. Nasz mistrz przeteleportuje się tam z nami.

Gracz: hi
Eclesius: Ah, there you are. I hope your journey was safe and you hasn't cost you any body parts. Now, muahaha, the best part of my plan! Are you listening?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: <goes on excitedly> Do you see these three levers? I have decided I don't want to leave our subjects' fate to coincidence. The left and the right lever summon our dwarf and elf. ...
Eclesius: The lever in the middle will create the first specimen of the - tadaaa - Dwelves! Now, first pull the left lever, then the right lever, and once both subjects are there, the one in the middle. ...Eclesius: Don't mess this up! I... err.. will wait here at a safe distance.

Trzeba przestawić dźwignie w odpowiedniej kolejności: najpierw ta po lewej, potem ta po prawej (po bokach powinni się pojawić nasi "zakochani"), a na końcu środkowa, po której pociągnięciu ukaże się nowa rasa Eclesiusa. Jednak ku jemu wielkiemu zdumieniu jego wspaniałą nową rasą będzie... ropucha.

Gracz: hi
Eclesius: Oh. OH. Is that... the result...?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: I think... we should forget about this whole mess posthaste. I'll... erm... clean up the memories of these subje-... erm... people and send them home. ...
Eclesius: And we'll get out of here too. Ready to go up?
Gracz: yes
Eclesius: Let's go.

Po tym rozczarowaniu Eclesius postanawia odwrócić efekt ekspermymentu i odesłać króliki doświadczalne do domu, wcześniej wymazując im pamięć. My jednak mimo wszystko zasłużyliśmy na nagrodę za pomoc i przebiegnięte kilometry.

Gracz: hi
Eclesius: Oh, welcome back, my most valued assistant! I have got some tasks for you, and maybe also a real mission or two! Uh... what was your name again?
Gracz: mission
Eclesius: The dwarf and the elf will hopefully not remember what happened. And neither will I - hopefully - in a day or too. Sometimes I'm glad that my memory is like a sieve! ...
Eclesius: Well anyhow, you deserve a reward for all that talking and convincing you did, so here you go.

*Nagrody: 750 gp, 2500 exp

Mission 4: Books of Many Colours

Musisz uporządkować leżące na piętrze książki w szafce według notatki przypiętej do muru.

  • Nagrody: 750 gp ?

Mission 5: A Drink to Remember

  • Nagrody: 500 gp and 1000 exp

Mission 6: The Unhappy Frog

  • Nagrody:?

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