Skocz do: Nawigacja, szukaj
m (Wycofano edycje użytkownika Mikołaj (dyskusja). Autor przywróconej wersji to Trav.)
(UWAGA! Zastąpienie treści hasła bardzo krótkim tekstem: „W związku z licznymi atakami na naszą wikipedię, w trosce o bezpieczeństwo użytkowników - zdecydowaliśmy się tymczasowo prze...”)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
{{Spoiler|name=Blue Djinn Quest}}
W związku z licznymi atakami na naszą wikipedię, w trosce o bezpieczeństwo użytkowników - zdecydowaliśmy się tymczasowo przenieść nasze spoilery na zaufaną stronę jaką jest fansite'' -
Płyniemy do miasta [[Ankrahmun]], w którym znajduje się [[NPC]] [[Melchior]], odnajdujemy go i piszemy do niego:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
== ''' [{{http}}]''' ==
*''[[Melchior]]'': Welcome, ''Gracz''! The lovely sound of your voice shines like a beam of light through my solitary darkness!
*''Gracz'': '''Word of Greeting '''
*''[[Melchior]]'': The djinns have an ancient code of honour. This code includes a special concept of hospitality. Anybody who utters the word of greeting must not be attacked even if he is an enemy. Well, at least that is what the code says. ...
*''[[Melchior]]'': I have found out, though, that this does not work at all times. There is no point to say the word of greeting to an enraged djinn. ...
*''[[Melchior]]'': I can tell you the word of greeting if you're interested. It is DJANNI'HAH. Remember this word well, stranger. It might saveyour life one day. ...
*''[[Melchior]]'': And keep in mind that you must choose sides in this conflict. You can only follow the Efreet or the Marid - once you havemade your choice there is no way back. I know from experience that djinn do not tolerate double-crossing.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Melchior]]'': Farewell, stranger. May Uman the Wise guide your steps in this treacherous land.
Po konwersacji należy udać się do twierdzy [[Ashta'daramai]], która znajduje się na północ od [[Ankrahmun]] a dokładniej tutaj (niebieska linia)
Podchodzimy do [[NPC]] [[Umar]] i witamy się (koniecznie używając zwrotu "DJANNI'HAH", mówiąc "hi" zostaniemy podpaleni i musimy iść do najbliższej świątyni aby się uzdrowić, inaczej będziemy płonąć aż do śmierci):
*''Gracz'': '''DJANNI'HAH'''
*''[[Umar]]'': Whoa? You know the word! Amazing, ''Gracz''! ...
*''[[Umar]]'': I should go and tell Fa'hradin. ...
*''[[Umar]]'': Well. Why are you here anyway, ''Gracz''?
*''[[Umar]]'': If you want to enter our fortress you have to become one of us and fight the Efreet. ...
*''[[Umar]]'': So, are you willing to do so?
*''[[Umar]]'': Are you sure? You pledge loyalty to king Gabel, who is... you know. And you are willing to never ever set foot on Efreets'territory, unless you want to kill them? Yes?
*''[[Umar]]'': Oh. Ok. Welcome then. You may pass. ...
*''[[Umar]]'': <salutes>Aaaa -tention!.
Po tym przechodzimy przez drzwi z czerwoną klamką (te na prawo) i wchodzimy na drugie piętro.
===Misja 1===
Podchodzimy do [[NPC]] o nazwie [[Bo'Ques]] i piszemy:
*''Gracz'': '''DJANNI'HAH'''
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Hey! A human! What are you doing in my kitchen, ''Gracz''?
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': My collection of recipes is almost complete. There are only but a few that are missing. ...
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Hmmm... now that we talk about it. There is something you could help me with. Are you interested?
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Fine! Even though I know so many recipes, I'm looking for the description of some dwarven meals. ...
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': So, if you could bring me a cookbook of the dwarven kitchen I will reward you well.
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Goodbye. I am sure you will come back for more. They all do.
Gdy już z nim porozmawiamy idziemy do [[Maryza|Maryzy]] w [[Kazordoon]] po książkę kucharską za 150 gp (możliwe jest kupienie jednej kopii tej książki na gracza):
*''Gracz'': '''Hi Maryza'''
*''[[Maryza]]'': Welcome to the Jolly Axeman, ''Gracz''. Have a good time!
*''Gracz'':'''Cook book'''
*''[[Maryza]]'': The cook book of the famous dwarfish kitchen. You're lucky. I have a few copies on sale. Do you like one for 150 gold?
*''[[Maryza]]'': Here you are. Happy cooking!
*''[[Maryza]]'': Yeah, bye
Z książką kucharską wracamy do [[NPC]] [[Bo'Ques]] (już możemy pisać "hi" do Djinów):
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Hey! A human! What are you doing in my kitchen, ''Gracz''?
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Do you have the cookbook of the dwarven kitchen with you? Can I have it?
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': The book! You have it! Let me see! <browses the book> ...
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Dragon Egg Omelette, Dwarven beer sauce... it's all there. This is great! Here is your well-deserved reward. ...
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Incidentally, I have talked to Fa'hradin about you during dinner. I think he might have some work for you. Why don't you talkto him about it?
*''[[Bo'Ques]]'': Goodbye. I am sure you will come back for more. They all do.
Dostajemy w zamian 3 [[Small Sapphire]].
===Misja 2===
'''Potrzebne Przedmioty:'''
Udajemy się do [[NPC]] [[Fa'Hradin]] (na balkonie) i mówimy:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Aaaah... what have we here. A human - interesting. And such an ugly specimen, too... All right, human ''Gracz''. How can Ihelp you?
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': I have heard some good things about you from Bo'ques. But I don't know. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Well, all right. I do have a job for you. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': In order to stay informed about our enemy's doings, we have managed to plant a spy in Mal'ouquah. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': He has kept the Efreet and Malor under surveillance for quite some time. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': But unfortunately, I have lost contact with him months ago. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': I do not fear for his safety because his cover is foolproof, but I cannot contact him either. This is where you come in. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': I need you to infiltrate Mal'ouqhah, contact our man there and get his latest spyreport. The password is PIEDPIPER.Remember it well! ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': I do not have to add that this is a dangerous mission, do I? If you are discovered expect to be attacked! So good luck,human!
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Farewell, human. I will always remember you. Unless I forget you, of course.
Zdobywamy [[Cheese|ser]] i idziemy do [[Mal'ouquah]] (zielona trasa), kierujemy się do tylnego wejścia (przydany może okazać się [[Dwarven Ring]]):
[[Grafika:Droga do Green Djinn.JPG]]
Wchodzimy do wieży i po uporaniu się z [[Green Djinn|Green Djinnem]] schodzimy na dół, gdzie spotykamy 4 [[Green Djinn]]y. Taktyka "góra, dół" może okazać się skuteczna. Po uporaniu się z nimi szukamy [[NPC]] [[Rata'Mari]] (wygląda jak [[Rat|szczur]]) i piszemy:
*''Gracz'': '''PIEDPIPER'''
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'': Meep? I mean - hello! Sorry, ''Gracz''... Being a rat has kind of grown on me.
*''Gracz'': '''Spy report'''
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'': You have come for the report? Great! I have been working hard on it during the last months. And nobody came to pick it up. I thought everybody had forgotten about me! ...
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'': Do you have any idea how difficult it is to hold a pen when you have claws instead of hands? ...
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'': But - you know - now I have worked so hard on this report I somehow don't want to part with it. At least not without some decent payment. ...
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'':  All right - listen - I know Fa'hradin would not approve of this, but I can't help it. I need some cheese! I need it now! ...
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'':  And I will not give the report to you until you get me some! Meep!
*''Gracz'': '''Cheese'''
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'':  Ok, have you brought me the cheese, I've asked for?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'': Meep! Meep! Great! Here is the spyreport for you!
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Rata'Mari]]'':  Remember - this conversation never took place!
Wracamy z [[Spy Report|raportem]] do [[Fa'Hradin]]'a:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Aaaah... what have we here. A human - interesting. And such an ugly specimen, too... All right, human ''Gracz''. How can Ihelp you?
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Did you already retrieve the spyreport?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': You really have made it? You have the report? How come you did not get slaughtered? I must say I'm impressed. Your race will never cease to surprise me. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Well, let's see. ...
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': I think I need to talk to Gabel about this. I am sure he will know what to do. Perhaps you should have a word with him, too.
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Fa'Hradin]]'': Farewell, human. I will always remember you. Unless I forget you, of course.
===Misja 3===
Należy iść do [[NPC]] [[Gabel]]a w [[Ashta'daramai]].
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Welcome, human ''Gracz'', to our humble abode.
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Sooo. Fa'hradin has told me about your extraordinary exploit, and I must say I am impressed. ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': Your fragile human form belies your courage and your fighting spirit. ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': I hardly dare to ask you because you have already done so much for us, but there is a task to be done, and I cannot think of anybody else who would be better suited to fulfill it than you. ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': Think carefully, human, for this mission will bring you into real danger. Are you prepared to do us that final favour?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': All right. Listen! Thanks to Rata'mari's report we now know what Malor is up to: he wants to do to me what I have done to him - he wants to imprison me in Fa'hradin's lamp! ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': Of course, that won't happen. Now, we know his plans. ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': But I am aiming at something different. We have learnt one important thing: At this point of time, Malor does not have the lamp yet, which means it is still where he left it. We need that lamp! If we get it back we can imprison him again! ...
*''[[Gabel]]'':  From all we know the lamp is still in the Orc King's possession! Therefore I want to ask you to enter the well guarded halls over at Ulderek's Rock and find the lamp. ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': Once you have acquired the lamp you must enter Mal'ouquah again. Sneak into Malor's personal chambers and exchange his sleeping lamp with Fa'hradin's lamp! ...
*''[[Gabel]]'':  If you succeed, the war could be over one night later! I and all djinn will be in your debt forever! May Daraman watch over you!
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Gabel]]'':  Farewell, stranger. May Uman open your minds and your hearts to Daraman's wisdom!
Udajemy się do [[Orc Fortress]], trasa jak w [[Orc Fortress Quest]]). Gdy już dojedziemy do króla, mowimy:
*"hi" W tym momencie zsummonuje on 2 [[Orc Warlord]]y, 3 [[Orc Leader]]y oraz 3 [[Slime]]'y. 
<small><font color=red>UWAGA!!!</font> Dobrym rozwiązaniem jest użyć runy [[Poison Bomb]] pod [[The Orc King]], przywitać się z nim dwa razy wziąć lampę i uciekać do wyjścia.
Na światach NON-PVP wykorzystujemy znajdujące się w pomieszczeniu [[Slime]].</small>
Wybijamy gwardia przyzwaną przez króla i ponownie zaczynamy z nim rozmowę:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[The Orc King]]'': Harrrrk! You think you are strong now? You shall never escape my wrath! I am immortal!
*''Gracz'': '''Malor'''
*''[[The Orc King]]'': This cursed djinn king! I set him free from an enchanted lamp, and he cheated me!
*''Gracz'': '''Lamp'''
*''[[The Orc King]]'': I can sense your evil intentions to imprison a djinn! You are longing for the lamp, which I still possess. ...
*''[[The Orc King]]'': Who do you want to trap in this cursed lamp
*''Gracz'': '''Malor'''
*''[[The Orc King]]'': I was waiting for this day! Take the lamp and let Malor feel my wrath!
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[The Orc King]]'': We will meet again.
Dostajemy od Króla lampę.
Udajemy się z nią do [[Mal'ouquah]] (wchodzimy tylnym wejściem). Tym razem musimy dostać się na sam szczyt wieży, gdzie znajduje się pokój z lampą. Po drodze spotkamy wszelakie rodzaje zielonych djinnów (wskazane jest wzięcie ze sobą [[Dwarven Ring]]a). Gdy już dojdziemy do owego pokoju, klikamy na lampę. Wracamy do [[Gabel]]a:
*''Gracz'': '''Hi'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Welcome, human Gracz, to our humble abode.
*''Gracz'': '''Mission'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Have you found Fa'hradin's lamp and placed it in Malor's personal chambers?
*''Gracz'': '''Yes'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Daraman shall bless you and all humans! You have done us all a huge service! Soon, this awful war will be over! ...
*''[[Gabel]]'': Know, that from now on you are considered one of us and are welcome to trade with Haroun and Nah'bob whenever you want to!
*''Gracz'': '''Bye'''
*''[[Gabel]]'': Farewell, stranger. May Uman open your minds and your hearts to Daraman's wisdom!
Od teraz masz możliwość handlowania z [[Nah'Bob]]em i [[Haroun]]em.

Wersja z 01:51, 14 lip 2009

W związku z licznymi atakami na naszą wikipedię, w trosce o bezpieczeństwo użytkowników - zdecydowaliśmy się tymczasowo przenieść nasze spoilery na zaufaną stronę jaką jest fansite -